Bài tập Unit 2: My home - Giáo viên Lưu Hoằng Trí đầy đủ đáp án

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Lớp: Lớp 6
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Chuyên đề
File: Word
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ
Số trang: 15 trang


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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
Unit 2: MY HOME
Ticks () the correct column for the underlined part of the word.
/s/ /z/ /iz/
gets up
I. In which room can you find these things.
1. cooker, fridge _____________
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
2. wardrobe, bed _____________
3. armchair, TV _____________
4. bath, bath-tub _____________
5. car, bicycle _____________
II. Put the words or phrases in the correct columns. Some words have more than one answer.
III. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
l. There are some plates the sink.
2. There is a cat the rug.
3. There is a pair of shoes the sofa.
4. There are some flowers the curtains.
5. There is a man the cooker.
6. There is a door the cupboard.
7. There is a blue coat a red and a green coat in the wardrobe.
8. There is a picture the bed.
IV. Look at the picture. Write the number next to the correct word.
_______wardrobe _______fridge _______sink
_______radiator _______bed _______cooker
_______cupboard _______sofa _______ table
_______armchair _______carpet _______curtain
_______chair _______beside table _______rug
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your bag school the shelves my desk Spain work
the fridge the wall a party my bedroom home the floor
In at on
on between above in front of under in next to behind
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
V. Circle the correct answer.
1. Here is/ There are two English girls in my school.
2. Is there/Are there a good film on tonight?
3. There isn't/ There aren't a hall in my house.
4. There is/ There are a lot of chairs in the classroom.
5. Is there/ Are there blue curtains in your room? T
6. There isn't/ There aren't a lot of people in the cinema.
VI. Look at the house then close your book and say what is in each room.
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
VII. Complete the sentences with There is or There are.
1. ________________a desk in my room.
2. ________________green curtains in his room.
3. ________________a sandwich on the table.
4. ________________a book on the floor.
5. ________________six children in the room.
6. ________________nice posters in our classroom.
7. ________________a cat on my bed.
8. ________________thirty-six children in my class.
VIII.Complete the table.
Positive Negative Questions Positive Negative
(1) a
nice big wardrobe
There isn’t a
(3) a
Yes, (5) No, there isn't
(2) blue
There aren't any
(4) any
good posters?
Yes, there are No, there aren't.
IX. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.
1. “_______________a TV in your room?”
- “No, ________________.”
2. “_______________a car in the garage?”
- “Yes, _______________.”
3. “_______________two beds in your room?”
- “No, ________________.”
4. “_______________a sofa in your living room?”
- “Yes, _______________.”
5. “_______________a lot of books in your bedroom?”
- “Yes, _______________.”
6. “_______________a hall in your house?”
- Yes, ________________.”
7. “ ______________a lot of sandwiches in the kitchen?”
- “No,_________________.”
8. “_______________a lot of tables and chairs in your classroom?”
- “Yes, _______________.”
X. Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong ones.
1. There are three black dogs in the park.
2. Da Lat is a city beautiful.
3. There is two good actors in the film.
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
4. Are there two new DVDs in your bag?
5. There is six books on my desk.
XI. Write the conversations using the words below.
Example: a new pencil case in your bag/ old.
A: Is there a new pencil case in your bag?
B: No, there isn't. There's an old pencil case.
1. five DVDs on the tabled/ three.
A: _________________________________________________
B: _________________________________________________
2. a man in the garden/ a woman.
A: _________________________________________________
B: _________________________________________________
3. six books in that bag/ seven.
A. _________________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________
4. lots of cars in the street/ one car.
A: _________________________________________________
B: _________________________________________________
5. thirty children in your class/ thirty-five
A: _________________________________________________
B: _________________________________________________
XII. Reorder the words and write the sentences.
1. TV/ big/ a/ there's. ___________________________________________
2. city/ beautiful/ a/ Ha Noi/ is. ___________________________________________
3. student/ Mai/ new/ a/ is. ___________________________________________
4. good/ a/ he/ friend/ is. ___________________________________________
5. dog/ it's/ friendly/ a. ___________________________________________
6. ten/ are/ desks/ small/ there. ___________________________________________
7. new/ four/ there/ cars/ are. ___________________________________________
8. green fields/ are/ there. ___________________________________________
9. are/ two/ pizzas/ there/ big. ___________________________________________
10. DVD player/ is/ new/ a/ there. ___________________________________________
XIII.Complete the text with the correct prepositions.
We have English lessons (1) Room 18. There are 24 tables for students and one desk for
the teacher. (2) the walls, there are lots of posters of England. There’s a cupboard at the
front of the room and (3) the cupboard, there's a TV and DVD player. Sometimes we watch
films. There are some bookshelves (4) the classroom. (5) the shelves, there are
a lot of English books. Our books are (6) the teacher's desk. He wants to look at our
homework. Our school bags are (7) the floor, and there is some food (8) the
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

Ticks (
) the correct column for the underlined part of the word. /s/ /z/ /iz/ does gets up Goes Has Lives looks plays starts finishes misses speaks teaches writes thinks watches washes sings walks Sits moves rooms houses chairs attics desks buildings apartments chests laptops clocks
I. In which room can you find these things.
1. cooker, fridge _____________

2. wardrobe, bed _____________ 3. armchair, TV _____________ 4. bath, bath-tub _____________ 5. car, bicycle _____________
II. Put the words or phrases in the correct columns. Some words have more than one answer. your bag school the shelves my desk Spain work the fridge the wall a party my bedroom home the floor In at on
…………………………………… ……………………………………
…………………………………… ……………………………………
…………………………………… ……………………………………
…………………………………… ……………………………………
III. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. on between above in front of under in next to behind l. There are some plates the sink. 2. There is a cat the rug. 3. There is a pair of shoes the sofa. 4. There are some flowers the curtains. 5. There is a man the cooker. 6. There is a door the cupboard. 7. There is a blue coat
a red and a green coat in the wardrobe. 8. There is a picture the bed.
IV. Look at the picture. Write the number next to the correct word. _______wardrobe _______fridge _______sink _______radiator _______bed _______cooker _______cupboard _______sofa _______ table _______armchair _______carpet _______curtain _______chair _______beside table _______rug _______lamp

V. Circle the correct answer.
1. Here is/ There are two English girls in my school.
2. Is there/Are there a good film on tonight?
3. There isn't/ There aren't a hall in my house.
4. There is/ There are a lot of chairs in the classroom.
5. Is there/ Are there blue curtains in your room? T
6. There isn't/ There aren't a lot of people in the cinema.
VI. Look at the house then close your book and say what is in each room.

VII. Complete the sentences with There is or There are.
1. ________________a desk in my room.
2. ________________green curtains in his room.
3. ________________a sandwich on the table.
4. ________________a book on the floor.
5. ________________six children in the room.
6. ________________nice posters in our classroom.
7. ________________a cat on my bed.
8. ________________thirty-six children in my class.
VIII. Complete the table. Positive Negative Questions Positive Negative (1) a There isn’t a (3) a Yes, (5) No, there isn't nice big wardrobe wardrobe bookshelf? (2) blue There aren't any (4) any Yes, there are No, there aren't. curtains curtains good posters?
IX. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.
1. “_______________a TV in your room?” - “No, ________________.”
2. “_______________a car in the garage?” - “Yes, _______________.”
3. “_______________two beds in your room?” - “No, ________________.”
4. “_______________a sofa in your living room?” - “Yes, _______________.”
5. “_______________a lot of books in your bedroom?” - “Yes, _______________.”
6. “_______________a hall in your house?” - Yes, ________________.”
7. “ ______________a lot of sandwiches in the kitchen?” - “No,_________________.”
8. “_______________a lot of tables and chairs in your classroom?” - “Yes, _______________.”
X. Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong ones.
1. There are three black dogs in the park. 
2. Da Lat is a city beautiful. 
3. There is two good actors in the film. 

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