Bài tập Unit 3: My friends - Giáo viên Lưu Hoằng Trí đầy đủ đáp án

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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
Underline the sound /b/ and /p/, and then read them aloud.
brown, black, blue, blonde, big, book, board, bear, bean, butter, bread, breakfast, begin, become, bring,
baseball, volleyball, badminton, basketball, bee, baby, bus, library, librarian, biking, bedroom, behind, between,
but, blank, subject.
people, person, peanut, pig, pizza, popcorn, picnic, picture, party, part, paper, sport, play, pretty, lip, parents,
grandparents, pen, pencil, compass, cap, space, respect, shopping, help, happy, project, appropriate, stamp,
experiment, computer.
I. Who is it? Write the correct names of the people.
Anita is short and has dark, curly hair.
Marion is short and slim. Her hair is blonde and curly.
Peter is tall and has short, straight hair.
Paul is tall and slim. He wears glasses and his hair is long
Alison has blonde, curly hair and she is tall.
Roger is short and slim and his hair is black.
Frederick is tall and wears glasses. He is quite old.
Barbara is a bit fat, and her hair is black, long and curly.
1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4.__________________
5. ________________ 6. ________________ 7. ________________ 8.__________________
II. Rewrite the sentences, using have or has face.
Example: Her face is round. She has a round face.
1. My hair is black. _________________________
2. Mrs. Huyen's eyes are round and black. _________________________
3. His eyes are blue. _________________________
4. Her cheeks are chubby. _________________________
5. Miss Huong's face is round. _________________________
6. Miss Thanh's legs are long. _________________________
III.Fill in each blank with the correct verb.
1. She an oval face.
2. Mai's hair long or short? - It short.
3. Mai short black hair.
4. He tall and thin.
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
5. Tan an athlete. He very strong.
6. What those?
7. What color those bikes?
8. What color Nam's eyes?
IV. Fill in the blanks with the missing words: is, has, or wear(s). And translate the passage into
Kevin (l) short and slim. He (2) glasses and he (3) blue eyes. His hair
(4) brown and curly.
Tom (5) short and slim. He (6) glasses and he (7) green eyes. His hair (8)
long, brown, and wavy.
Paul (9) tall. He doesn't (10) glasses. He (11) brown eyes, and his hair (12)
brown and curly.
Ben (13) short. He (14) brown eyes and his hair (15) long, black and straight.
V. Match the halves of each sentence, and write the answer in each blank.
Answer A B
_______ 1. We're leaving a. homework this afternoon, but then I'm free.
_______ 2. Are you cleaning your b. room this evening?
_______ 3. Jenny's coming to c. to the cinema with Tom tomorrow evening.
_______ 4. Martin is going d. my party on Saturday!
_______ 5. I'm doing my e. for London next Sunday.
VI. Fill in each blank with the correct adjective from the box.
1. It is to sit on the plane with nothing to read.
2. I'm not very at Maths. I often make mistakes in calculations.
3. Everyone is to me. They often help me when I need.
4. She is often at school, and she always gets good marks.
5. The teacher wants the students to feel about asking questions when they don't understand.
6. She always has a smile with everyone.
7. Children are often of people they don't know.
8. He's a little bit ; he likes to talk a lot.
9. It's a really film; everyone laughs a lot.
10. She's very - she writes poetry and paints.
VII. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.
l. They are coming to London on Monday.
2. He is finishing work tomorrow.
3. She is spending her next holiday at home.
4. He's leaving for Ha Noi tomorrow.
5. We are going out tonight.
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hard-working boring funny talkative friendly
shy creative confident clever kind
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
VIII.Put the words into the correct order to form the questions, and then write short answers.
1. you/ are/ dinner/ to/ coming/ - no.
Are you coming to dinner? - No, I'm not.
2. playing/ the/ are/ next/ you/ game/ in/ - no.
3. they/ tomorrow/ driving/ to/ London/ are - yes.
4. going/ evening/ to/ is/ cinema/ she/ the/ tomorrow - yes.
5. at/ they/ home/ evening/ this/ are/ eating - no.
IX. Match the questions and answers, and write the answers in the blanks.
______ 1. What are you doing on Sunday? a. Jenny - she's visiting her mum.
______ 2. Are you helping John tomorrow? b. At the station, I think.
______ 3. What's Sarah doing tomorrow? c. No, we aren't playing any more matches this month.
______ 4. Where's John meeting us? d. No, certainly not. He never helps me.
______ 5. Who isn't coming to the party tomorrow? e. I'm working until lunchtime.
______ 6. Are you playing football next Monday? f. She's playing in the basketball tournament.
X. Complete the text. Use the present simple.
My best friend
My best friend is Hannah. She (1. live) next door to me. We (2. go) to the same school
but we are in different classes.
I (3. walk) to school but Hannah (4. go) by bike, because she always (5. get up)
late. After school we (6. finish) our homework first, then we (7. listen) to our
favourite music. I (8. like) R&B, but Hannah (9. hate) it. She (10. think) it’s
boring. She (11. love) rock music.
XI. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets in the present continuous.
Jack: I'm bored.
Nick: Why don't you find something to do?
Jack: What can I do?
Nick: There are lots of things you can do. This is what I (1. do) this weekend. On
Friday evening I (2. meet) Jane. We (3. go) to the cinema. Then
in Saturday, Tom and I (4. play) table-tennis. Then we (5. have)
lunch with Sam. After lunch, Tom and Sam (6. start) their new judo
classes. I (7. not go) with them because my dad (8. take) me to
a basketball match.
It's my mum's birthday on Sunday. She (9. not have) a big party. We (10.
have) lunch at a nice restaurant near our house.
Jack: Wow. You are busy. Can I come with you to the cinema on Friday?
Nick: Of course, you can, Jack.
XII. Use the cues to make questions and answers about the conversation, and then match them together.
Number 1 has been done for you as an example.
a 1. Who/ Nick/ meet/ on Friday? a. He/ meet/ Jane.
Who is Nick meeting on Friday? He is meting Jane.
_____ 2. Where/ they/ go? b. He/ take/ him/ to a basketball match.
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
__________________________________ ________________________________
_____ 3. What sport/ Nick and Jane/ play? c. No/ he/ not.
__________________________________ ________________________________
_____ 4. When/ they/ play? d. They/ go/ to the cinema.
__________________________________ ________________________________
_____ 5. Who/ they/ meet/ for lunch? e. They/ play/ on Saturday morning.
__________________________________ ________________________________
_____ 6. Nick/ do/ yoga/ with Tom and Jack? f. They/ have lunch/ at a nice restaurant.
__________________________________ ________________________________
_____ 7. Where/ his dad/ take him? g. No/ she/ not.
__________________________________ ________________________________
_____ 8. Nick's mum/ have/ a big birthday party? h. They/ meet/ Sam.
__________________________________ ________________________________
_____ 9. Where/ they/ have/ lunch? i. They/ play/ tennis.
__________________________________ ________________________________
I. Rearrange the phrases to make a conversation.
Conversation 1
Christina I'm spending the evening at school.
Michelle Really? A long evening.
Christina Yeah, we're having a video evening with our language teachers.
Michelle At school?
Christina Yeah, until midnight.
Michelle Cool. Can I come too?
1 Michelle What are you doing tomorrow evening, Christina?
Conversation 2
Oliver OK. See you on Monday then!
1 Tim What are you doing this weekend?
Oliver Oh, they're fun! There's a lot of great rides.
Tim No, thanks. I don't really like theme parks.
Oliver I'm going to Luna Park with some friends. Would you like to come?
Tim Anyway, I'm going to the youth club on Saturday, then I'm going to football match on
II. Complete the conversation with the phrases below.
Kevin What are your plans for the weekend?
Dan Well, (1) DVDs tomorrow night. Do you want to watch them with me?
Kevin (2) , but I can't.
Dan Oh, why not?
Kevin (3) Jenny. She's having a party!
Dan What? (4) !
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I'm meeting I'd love to She doesn't invite me I'm watching
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
III.Read the and tick () the things you are doing. Then make questions to ask your partner to complete
the right column.
Me My partner
- meet friends tomorrow
- stay at home on Sunday
- play badminton tomorrow
- do homework on Saturday
- go to the party at the weekend
- do homework this evening
- cook dinner tomorrow
- have a campfire next month
- play traditional games at the weekend
"Are you meeting friends tomorrow?
- No, I'm not. I'm visiting my grandparents. What about you?
IV. Complete the following conversation.
Lan Is (l) your sister (2) there?
Hanh Yes, that's my sister.
Lan (3) ?
Hanh No, (4) . She's tall.
Lan (5) or (6) ?
Hanh Her hair is long.
Lan (7) her eyes?
Hanh They are brown.
Lan (8) ?
Hanh Yes, she has chubby cheeks.
I. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Lan is a student in grade 6. She is tall and thin. She is light but she is not weak. She has oval face and
chubby cheeks. Her hair is long and black. Her nose isn't big. It's small. She has brown eyes and white teeth.
She's very nice.
l. Lan has long black hair. _____________
2. She is thin and weak. _____________
3. Her cheeks are chubby. _____________
4. Her nose is big. _____________
5. Her eyes are black. _____________
6. She has white teeth. _____________
II. Read the texts and decide if the sentences below are T (True) or F (False).
Farrah (Turkey) Hi, my name’s Farrah. I'm twelve and I have two sisters and two brothers. I live in a
village about 50 kilometers from Istanbul. My favourite food is pizza. I like computer
games and nature programmes. I also play football and I swim a lot. I don't have a pet
because my mum doesn't like animals.
Claire (Scotland) Hi, my name's Claire. I live in Dundee in Scotland. I have one brother. He's 21 and he
works in Edinburgh. My favourite food is chicken. And I also like chocolate a lot. My
friend Monica and I often go to the park and in the evenings we watch TV together.
We like sitcoms best. I also like reading (Monica doesn't, she doesn't even want to
read the Harry Potter books) and horse riding. I have two pets: a cat and a dog.
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Mô tả nội dung:

Underline the sound /b/ and /p/, and then read them aloud.

brown, black, blue, blonde, big, book, board, bear, bean, butter, bread, breakfast, begin, become, bring,
baseball, volleyball, badminton, basketball, bee, baby, bus, library, librarian, biking, bedroom, behind, between, but, blank, subject.
people, person, peanut, pig, pizza, popcorn, picnic, picture, party, part, paper, sport, play, pretty, lip, parents,
grandparents, pen, pencil, compass, cap, space, respect, shopping, help, happy, project, appropriate, stamp, experiment, computer.
I. Who is it? Write the correct names of the people.

Anita is short and has dark, curly hair.
Marion is short and slim. Her hair is blonde and curly.
Peter is tall and has short, straight hair.
Paul is tall and slim. He wears glasses and his hair is long
Alison has blonde, curly hair and she is tall.
Roger is short and slim and his hair is black.
Frederick is tall and wears glasses. He is quite old.
Barbara is a bit fat, and her hair is black, long and curly. 1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4.__________________ 5. ________________ 6. ________________ 7. ________________ 8.__________________
II. Rewrite the sentences, using have or has face.
Example: Her face is round.  She has a round face. 1. My hair is black. _________________________
2. Mrs. Huyen's eyes are round and black. _________________________ 3. His eyes are blue. _________________________ 4. Her cheeks are chubby. _________________________
5. Miss Huong's face is round. _________________________ 6. Miss Thanh's legs are long. _________________________
III.Fill in each blank with the correct verb. 1. She an oval face. 2.
Mai's hair long or short? - It short. 3. Mai short black hair. 4. He tall and thin.

5. Tan an athlete. He very strong. 6. What those? 7. What color those bikes? 8. What color Nam's eyes?
IV. Fill in the blanks with the missing words: is, has, or wear(s). And translate the passage into Vietnamese. Kevin (l) short and slim. He (2) glasses and he (3) blue eyes. His hair (4) brown and curly. Tom (5) short and slim. He (6)
glasses and he (7) green eyes. His hair (8) long, brown, and wavy. Paul (9) tall. He doesn't (10)
glasses. He (11) brown eyes, and his hair (12) brown and curly. Ben (13) short. He (14) brown eyes and his hair (15) long, black and straight.
V. Match the halves of each sentence, and write the answer in each blank. Answer A B _______ 1. We're leaving
a. homework this afternoon, but then I'm free. _______ 2. Are you cleaning your b. room this evening? _______ 3. Jenny's coming to
c. to the cinema with Tom tomorrow evening. _______ 4. Martin is going d. my party on Saturday! _______ 5. I'm doing my e. for London next Sunday.
VI. Fill in each blank with the correct adjective from the box. hard-working boring funny talkative friendly shy creative confident clever kind 1. It is
to sit on the plane with nothing to read. 2. I'm not very
at Maths. I often make mistakes in calculations. 3. Everyone is
to me. They often help me when I need. 4. She is often
at school, and she always gets good marks.
5. The teacher wants the students to feel
about asking questions when they don't understand. 6. She always has a smile with everyone. 7. Children are often of people they don't know. 8. He's a little bit ; he likes to talk a lot. 9. It's a really film; everyone laughs a lot. 10. She's very
- she writes poetry and paints.
VII. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.
l. They are coming to London on Monday.
2. He is finishing work tomorrow.
3. She is spending her next holiday at home.
4. He's leaving for Ha Noi tomorrow.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. We are going out tonight.

VIII. Put the words into the correct order to form the questions, and then write short answers.
1. you/ are/ dinner/ to/ coming/ - no.
Are you coming to dinner? - No, I'm not.
2. playing/ the/ are/ next/ you/ game/ in/ - no.
3. they/ tomorrow/ driving/ to/ London/ are - yes.
4. going/ evening/ to/ is/ cinema/ she/ the/ tomorrow - yes.
5. at/ they/ home/ evening/ this/ are/ eating - no.
IX. Match the questions and answers, and write the answers in the blanks.
______ 1. What are you doing on Sunday?
a. Jenny - she's visiting her mum.
______ 2. Are you helping John tomorrow? b. At the station, I think.
______ 3. What's Sarah doing tomorrow?
c. No, we aren't playing any more matches this month.
______ 4. Where's John meeting us?
d. No, certainly not. He never helps me.
______ 5. Who isn't coming to the party tomorrow?
e. I'm working until lunchtime.
______ 6. Are you playing football next Monday?
f. She's playing in the basketball tournament.
X. Complete the text. Use the present simple. My best friend
My best friend is Hannah. She (1. live) next door to me. We (2. go) to the same school
but we are in different classes. I (3. walk) to school but Hannah (4. go)
by bike, because she always (5. get up)
late. After school we (6. finish)
our homework first, then we (7. listen) to our favourite music. I (8. like)
R&B, but Hannah (9. hate) it. She (10. think) it’s boring. She (11. love) rock music.
XI. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets in the present continuous. Jack: I'm bored. Nick:
Why don't you find something to do? Jack: What can I do? Nick:
There are lots of things you can do. This is what I (1. do) this weekend. On Friday evening I (2. meet) Jane. We (3. go) to the cinema. Then
in Saturday, Tom and I (4. play)
table-tennis. Then we (5. have)
lunch with Sam. After lunch, Tom and Sam (6. start) their new judo classes. I (7. not go)
with them because my dad (8. take) me to a basketball match.
It's my mum's birthday on Sunday. She (9. not have) a big party. We (10. have)
lunch at a nice restaurant near our house. Jack:
Wow. You are busy. Can I come with you to the cinema on Friday? Nick: Of course, you can, Jack.
XII. Use the cues to make questions and answers about the conversation, and then match them together.
Number 1 has been done for you as an example.
a 1. Who/ Nick/ meet/ on Friday? a. He/ meet/ Jane.
Who is Nick meeting on Friday? He is meting Jane. _____ 2. Where/ they/ go?
b. He/ take/ him/ to a basketball match.

_____ 3. What sport/ Nick and Jane/ play? c. No/ he/ not.
________________________________ _____ 4. When/ they/ play? d. They/ go/ to the cinema.
_____ 5. Who/ they/ meet/ for lunch?
e. They/ play/ on Saturday morning.
_____ 6. Nick/ do/ yoga/ with Tom and Jack?
f. They/ have lunch/ at a nice restaurant.
_____ 7. Where/ his dad/ take him? g. No/ she/ not.
_____ 8. Nick's mum/ have/ a big birthday party? h. They/ meet/ Sam.
_____ 9. Where/ they/ have/ lunch? i. They/ play/ tennis.
________________________________ C. SPEAKING
I. Rearrange the phrases to make a conversation. Conversation 1
I'm spending the evening at school.  Michelle Really? A long evening.  Christina
Yeah, we're having a video evening with our language teachers.  Michelle At school?  Christina Yeah, until midnight.  Michelle Cool. Can I come too? 1 Michelle
What are you doing tomorrow evening, Christina? Conversation 2 Oliver OK. See you on Monday then! 1 Tim
What are you doing this weekend?  Oliver
Oh, they're fun! There's a lot of great rides.  Tim
No, thanks. I don't really like theme parks.  Oliver
I'm going to Luna Park with some friends. Would you like to come?  Tim
Anyway, I'm going to the youth club on Saturday, then I'm going to football match on Sunday.
II. Complete the conversation with the phrases below. I'm meeting I'd love to
She doesn't invite me I'm watching Kevin
What are your plans for the weekend? Dan Well, (1)
DVDs tomorrow night. Do you want to watch them with me? Kevin (2) , but I can't. Dan Oh, why not? Kevin (3) Jenny. She's having a party! Dan What? (4) !

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