Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Tiếng Anh 9 Tập 2 - Lê Thị Hồng Phúc

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Lớp: Lớp 9
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Chuyên đề
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ


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Mô tả nội dung:

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. capital B. country C. city D. vacation 2. A. destination B. basketball C. never D. menu 3. A. breakfast B. seat C. eat D. teach 4. A. property B. possession C. access D. pressure 5. A. communicate B. private C. translate D. concentrate
II. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. economy B. diplomacy C. information D. informative 2. A. expertise B. recipe C. cinema D. similar 3. A. competition B. equivalent C. disappointment D. repetition 4. A. optimistic B. impossible C. education D. academic 5. A. provision B. importance C. performance D. industry
III. Fill in the gap with a suitable word/ phrase, based on the pictures given
1. I would like to have some salad for my __________. Then I will have some
beef, salmon for my main course.
2. I am most interested in __________ tourism because I love animals.
3. There are millions or even billions of stars in the __________
4. __________ is a period of physical activity engaged in by an astronaut in space outside a spacecraft.
5. Helena's dream is to become a __________ because
she loves clothes and she can draw very well.
IV. Match one word in A with another word in B A B

1. spread school 2. breathtaking responsibilities 3. exotic English 4. universal world 5. immersion view 6. pick up animals 7. landing butter 8. take language 9. virtual flexi-time 10. work mission
V. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
1. __________ bread, you usually need flour, salt, and yeast. A. Make B. To make C. Making D. For make
2. Last night we saw a meteorite __________ through the sky. A. streaked B. to streak C. streak D. to have streak
3. All the passengers were made __________ their seat belts during the turbulence. A. buckle B. to buckle C. buckling D. for buckling
4. "How about going to the theater?" - "OK, but I would rather __________ a concert. A. attend B. to attend C. attending D. have attended
5. Stephen has seminar on Saturday morning, so we are not able to go to __________ ski-slopes until Sunday. A. a - the B. the - a C. a - a D. the - the
6. If you __________ to work for us any more, you quit the job any time. A. don't want - can B. want - can C. want - need D. don't want - need
7. In spite of __________, he tried so hard so that his children could go to universities. A. being poor B. his poverty C. his poor D. both A & B
8. If English __________ so useful, it __________ become the global language. A. weren't - wouldn't B. wasn't - would C. were - would D. was - would
9. Helen Sharman, __________ was the first British astronaut, was born in a small village. A. whom B. who C. that D. both B & C

10. The backyard of my house, __________ used to be my favorite place for playing football, has been
turned into a garden with beautiful flowers and exotic plants. A. that B. which C. where D. both A and C
VI. Circle the correct answer.
1. The waiter whose/ who/ whom was wearing a blue shirt is very helpful.
2. The money that/ whose/ who I have saved for 6 months has just been spent on a new bike.
3. My television, which/ that/ what I bought 10 years ago, has been broken down for many times.
4. The year which/ that/ when I graduated was 2010.
5. I am sorry but I don't understand that/ what/ which you are saying.
6. Thank you so much for the beautiful bunch of flowers who/ which/ what you sent for my birthday.
7. My younger brother, whose/ whom/ who room is always like a mess, is actually a very creative boy.
8. The hotel which/ where/ when I stayed at for 2 nights of my trip is right in the city center.
9. I am so sorry about what/ which/ that happened to you yesterday.
10. My grandmother, which/ whom/ whose I really love, often tells us many interesting things about life in the past.
VII. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given word.
1. English, which is the __________ language, has been learnt by billions of people universe in the world.
2. My sister is the worst cook in the world. What she cooks is either undercooked cook or __________
3. My close friend's grandfather is a famous scholar in linguistic field. He is knowledge very __________
4. Lan made all of us surprised when she said that she would become a __________ poem
5. Parents who are __________ for their families will not make their children happy. reponsible
VIII. Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1. If his parents spent more time with him, he would be so spoilt now. __________ A. spent B. would C. so D. spoilt
2. If you don't want to go to the travel agency to book the tour in person, you should __________ make it via the phone. A. book the tour B. in person C. should make D. via the phone
3. The wifi connection which used to be not so strong for our class to use has been __________ improved since last Friday. A. which B. so strong C. to use D. has been improved

4. Salt, that is necessary for our body, will cause some health problems if we consume __________
a large amount of it every day. A. that B. will cause C. if D. a large amount
5. Although the fact that he is a technician, he can't fix his son's bike __________ A. Although B. that C. can't D. fix C. READING
IX. Read the passage. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
The Maldives is home to perhaps the (1) _________ beaches in the world. They're on almost every one of
the country's nearly 1200 islands and are so consistently perfect that it's hard not to become blasé about
them. While some beaches may boast softer granules (2) _________ others, the basic fact remains: you'll
find consistently whiter-than-white powder sand and luminous cyan-blue water like this almost nowhere (3)
_________ on earth. This fact alone is enough to bring over a million people a year to this tiny, remote and
otherwise little-known Indian Ocean paradise.
In the last few years, these incredible islands have finally started to open to independent travellers,
meaning you (4) _________ longer have to stay in resorts and remain separate (5) _________ the local
population, something that has kept backpackers away for decades. Intrepid individuals can now make their
own itineraries and travel from (6) _________ to island by public ferry, staying among the devout but
friendly local population. With a fast-growing number of privately run guesthouses on inhabited islands, the
Maldives and (7) _________ people are now (8) _________ accessible than ever. X. Read the passage.
The myths behind Popeye's veg of choice...
There is much lore regarding spinach, most famously as the source of Popeye's
strength. When faced with the sight of trouble, pipe-smoking sailor-man Popeye would
burst open a tin of spinach. Once consumed, his biceps would bulge and his new found
strength would see him overcome his enemies.
Spinach is believed to be of Persian origin. By the 12th century, it spread across
Europe and became a desirable leafy green known for good health; a reputation that
stands firm to this day. Spinach belongs to the chenopodiaceae family (also known as goosefoot), a family of

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