Bộ bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 thí điểm theo từng Unit Phần 2 có đáp án

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Lớp: Lớp 9
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Chuyên đề
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ


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Mô tả nội dung:

1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud. 1. A. attraction B. artisan C. frame D. handicraft 2. A. drumhead B. illustration C. earplug D. drugstore 3. A. strip B. visual C. artistic D. remind 4. A. thread B. treat C. pleasure D. deadline 5. A. embroider B. preserve C. benefit D. effect
2. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line. 1. A. craftsman B. layer C. sculpture D. preserve 2. A. lacquerware B. absolute C. pollution D. permanent 3. A. memorable B. experience C. historical D. production 4. A. pottery B. souvenir C. conical D. various 5. A. authenticity B. electricity C. traditional D. uncontrollably
1. Choose the right word/ phrase in the box below and then write it under each picture. lantern lacquerwave conical hat marble sculpture pottery drum painting silk

1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________ 6. __________________
2. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentences.
1. The artists in Bat Trang village often change the design of their products
_____________ more customers. (attract)
2. Van Phuc village in Ha Noi _____________different types of silk products such as
cloth, ties, dresses, shirts and scarves. (produce)
3. These products are called lacquerware because they are _________ covered with lacquer. (decorate)
4. My father likes this vase very much. It's a _______________piece of his ancient Pottery. (love)
5. In the past, almost Vietnamese people used baskets made of bamboo strips that
were ___________together. (weave)
3. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. She presented me with a new blanket on which she _______some beautiful flowers. A. knitted B. embroidered C. moulded D. carved
2. She is very good at knitting. She _______ herself this sweater. It looks very nice. A. knit B. knits C. is knitting D. knitted
3. All the main parts of this machine are _______ of steel. A. made B. done C woven D. given
4. My parents once took me to Bat Trang village. I could make my own ______ there. I really enjoyed it.

A. pottery B. lacquer C. painting D. sculpture
5. Have you ever _______ to Tay Ho village in Hue? It's the place where people
make the famous Bai tho conical hats. A. go B. went C. gone D. been
6. ________ he s spent a lot of money to redecorate his shop, he cannot make any more profit. A. In order to B. Although c. So that D. Because of
7. This company has gone bankrupt. Do you know who will ? A. take care of it B. look after it C. take it over D. turn it up
8. She s just received a large order from Japan but she is afraid of not finishing her
order on time____ her workshop lacks good artisans. A. because B. in order to C. although D. so that
9. The people in this village are trying to change their designs and quality of their
handicrafts_______ their products can be exported to many countries in the world. A. so that B. in order to C. because D. though
10. The people in my village cannot earn enough money for their daily life. They
can't______ this traditional craft. They have to find other jobs. A. help out B. live on C. work on D. set up
4. Fill each blank with a word/phrase in the box. knitted so that pottery marble sculptures lanterns carved mould conical hat craft paintings
1. I like these Dong Ho_____-. They remind me of my childhood.
2. Last year my family travelled to Hoi An on the Mid-Autumn night. We were
really impressed by the lights of many beautiful _______ along the riversides.
3. If you go to Ngu Xa village in Ha Noi, you can see the artisans ________copper to make many bronze things.
4. I like to wear this scarf on winter days. My mother _____ it for me many years ago.

5. Would you like to come to a _______village? It's not very far from here.
6. My brother is a talented man. He _______this statue out of wood.
7. The drum makers had to dry the buffalo skin under the sun for several days
________ they could make these good drumheads.
8. Many people would like to go to Bat Trang village so that they can make
________ themselves in workshops there.
9. When people visit Da Nang, they often go to Non Nuoc marble village to see a
wide variety of _________ and buy some things as their souvenirs.
10. Last month, my father went to Hue and he bought a very nice _______ for my mother. C. READING
1. Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word.
Being in Cong Thanh village in Tam Quan Bac commune, Hoai Nhon district of
Binh Dinh province (1)______ sunny days, visitors will (2) _____ sedge plants and
flowery sedge mats drying in every available open space, on the roadside or drying yards.
For years, the local people, old and young, (3) _____ earned their living by
growing sedge plants and weaving flowery mats. In the houses, women, old and
young are (4)_______ at the weaving looms, their hands feeding I threads to and fro
on the looms so skillfully. To have a nice, durable mat, there should (5)________a
total of three jobs combined (6) ______: the first is to grow sedge plants, harvest,
split and dry (7) _________; the second is to dye rush threads and the last is to weave
(8)______. A skillful weaver who works (9) _______early morning till late in the
afternoon can weave three pairs of mats (mats are often sold in pairs). In most cases,
the mats are (10) ______ with colourful, flowery designs.
Cong Thanh sedge mats are famous throughout the southern region of Central Viet
Nam. If you leave Cong Thanh village late in the afternoon, you still see many people
busily working. They transport sedge plants into a store house and sort them, or pack mats
to deliver to consumers. All make up a nice picture of a traditional craft village.
2. Choose the correct word by underline it at each number in the following
paragraph, then answer the questions.
How a conical hat is made

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