Test 14 - Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 - Giáo viên Linh Đan

301 151 lượt tải
Lớp: Lớp 6
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Đề thi
File: Word
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ
Số trang: 8 trang


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  • Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 của giáo viên Linh Đan là một tài liệu tham khảo hay , cung cấp thêm cho các em các thủ thuật để rèn luyện nâng cao kỹ năng cũng như giúp các em sắp thi học sinh giỏi các bài tập tham khảo để luyện tập.
  • File word có lời giải chi tiết 100%.
  • Mua trọn bộ sẽ tiết kiệm hơn tải lẻ 50%.

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4.6 / 5(301 )
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Tài liệu chuẩn

Rất thích tài liệu bên VJ soạn (bám sát chương trình dạy)

Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
1. a. mud b. cut c. put d. but
2. a. measure b. sun c. son d. sit
3. a. love b. cover c. color d. lower
4. a. bought b. thought c. through d. ought
5. a. nib b. sob c. comb d. hob
6. a. bound b. sound c. count d. countryside
7. He talks as if he knows everything.
a. talks b. as if c. knows d. everything
8. After dinner Helen will have her younger sister to do the washing up.
a. After dinner b. will have c. to do d. washing up
9. My younger brother often spends all the day into his room.
a. younger b. spends c. all the day d. into
10. I __________ wandering about all day without any food.
a. got hungry b. hungered c. made hungry d. did hungry
11. Let's __________ over there.
a. to go b. gone c. went d. go
12. My sister was tired __________ working too hard.
a. from b. by c. with d. of
13. We've never __________ this kind of exercise before.
a. do b. did c. done d. doing
14. I don't mean to __________ with so many questions!
a. get you tired b. tire you c. tire yourself d. have you tired
15. You might __________ to help the newcomers.
a. wanted b. want c. to want d. wants
16. Why didn't you __________ this morning?
a. shave you b. shave
c. get shaved yourself d. shave me
17. The __________ actress acted very well.
a. meeting b. sparkling c. interesting d. leading
18. The person in charge of a business is informally known as the __________
a. chef b. chief c. boss d. master
19. How can we compare a play __________ a film?
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
a. on b. to c. at d. with
20. The person who is in charge of a car is the __________
a. guide b. leader c. motorist d. driver
21. Sometimes her parents take her to the city for a __________
a. seeing sight b. sight c. sign d. sightseeing
22. A person who prepares food is a __________
a. cook b. cooker c. fooder d. cookor
23. We often go to the __________ for a play.
a. stationer's b. theatre c. cinema d. library
24. It's a boring play. I'm quite __________ with the performance.
a. disappointed b. disappointment
c. disappointing d. disappoint
25. An usherette showed us to our __________
a. chairs b. tables c. desks d. seats
26. A person who takes photographs is a __________
a. photograph b. photographer c. photography d. photographic
27. The audience was moved to __________ when the prince killed himself.
a. tears b. tea c. jewelry d. dark
28. A person who knows how to use a keyboard is a __________
a. typewriter b. typist
c. typing machine writer d. writer
29. They spend their summer holidays on a __________
a. field b. common c. hill d. farm
30. A woman who looks after other people's children is a __________
a. nanny b. nurse c. manager d. doctor
31. In France, snow __________ trees and houses in winter.
a. hides b. covers c. tumbles d. seeks
32. The person you work with is your __________
a. college b. colleague c. collaborator d. roommate
33. The __________ is used to pull the plough.
a. combine b. harvester c. cooker d. tractor
34. The person who would service your car is __________
a. a mechanic b. an engineer c. a technician d. a worker
35. Taking the same crop year after year makes the __________ poor.
a. ground b. grass c. hay d. soil
36. A person who studies the origins of the universe is a __________
a. physician b. physicist c. physics d. physic
37. To make the land in good condition, we grow different __________
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
a. shops b. crops c. plants d. trees
38. Another word for "a doctor” is a __________
a. physician b. physicist c. medicine d. medical
39. We also fertilize the land with fertilizers and __________
a. manure b. ridge c. furrow d. water
40. Let's __________ at home and watch TV.
a. stay b. staying c. to stay d. stayed
41. It’s a Sony. It's the most modern __________
a. fashion b. present c. date d. model
42. If you are one of the people waiting to be served in a shop you are a __________
a. customer b. patron c. patient d. guest
43. It is one of the __________ farms in the country.
a. rich b. richer c. richest d. most rich
44. If you serve people who come into a shop, you are __________
a. an official b. a shop assistant
c. an attendant d. a bank clerk
45. Mr. Green had to get to the cinema early to __________ for the tickets,
a. queue up b. get up c. stand up d. line up
46. I found the film very __________
a. boring b. bored c. bore d. is boring
47. Mrs. Green took her children to the __________ for a play.
a. clothing store b. National Theatre
c. police station d. the zoo
48. I got so __________ waiting for you to arrive.
a. boring b. bored c. bore d. is boring
49. My father is tall, but my brother is __________
a. tall b. the taller c. the tallest d. taller
50. I was __________ to attend my son's wedding as I was ill.
a. able b. unable c. ability d. enabled
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
You may use the telephone every day but how much do you know about it? The telephone was
invented by Alexander Bell in 1876. Bell was born in Scotland in 1847. Later he went to live in the U.S.
Alexander Bell was always interested in sound. He wanted to be able to send sound through a wire. He
had a workshop in his house in America and did many experiments there.
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
One day, while he was doing an experiment in his workshop, he was careless and spilt some burning
liquid onto his clothes. Talking into his telephone, Bell said: "Mr. Watson, I want you to come over here
immediately, please. "His assistant, Watson, was in another room far away from the workshop. However,
he heard Bell clearly on his own telephone. Quickly he ran to Bell's workshop. "Mr. Bell, I heard every
word you said!". Watson shouted excitedly. Bell had finally succeeded. He had invented the first
telephone. Later other inventors made better ones.
1. Which of the following is true?
A. Bell invented the telephone in Scotland.
B. Bell did only one experiment and he succeeded.
C. Bell was the owner of a workshop in his house in America.
D. Bell discovered the telephone in 1847.
2. Where did Bell settle down?
A. in Scotland. B. in the U.K.
C. in New Zealand. D. in the US.
3. What did he have a great interest in
A. music. B. sound. C. physics. D. philosophy.
4. What did he do many experiments for?
A. To express feelings through musical instruments.
B. To hear his assistant's voice.
C. To give a request to his assistant.
D. To send sound through a wire.
5. What did other inventors do later?
A. Made telephones better. B. Made telephones useless.
C. Made telephones unpopular. D. Made telephones disused.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
Public (1) __________ to the Disney film Snow White and the seven Dwarfs when it was (2)
__________ shown in 1937 was extraordinary. It was received (3) __________ great excitement and it
immediately became enormously popular (4) __________ the world. Good advertising was not the (5)
__________ reason for this worldwide (6) __________; the film and its characters (7) __________ the
imagination of people all (8) __________ the world like no (9) __________ before it.
In Britain, there were daily newspaper articles about the film and how (10) __________ was made.
Snow White toys and books were on (11) __________ everywhere. Some people thought that it might be
upsetting for (12) __________ but most people saw it as (13) __________ entertainment. (14)
__________ 1937, it has been reissued every few years, giving enjoyment to many (15) __________ of
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: She / not look / intelligent enough / university professor.
She doesn't look intelligent enough to be a university professor.
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
1. He looked too old / professional footballer
2. take / him / minutes / repair / bicycle
3. new school / front / house / build
4. children / busy / homework
5. delighted / hear / twins.
6. They / going / have / luggage / take / station.
7. Her father / work / engineer since 1990.
8. you/ do/ not/ speak/ slowly/ your brother
9. she/ did/ not/ get up/ late/ she/ use/ to/ during/ holidays
10. exercise/ not/ as/ difficult/ I/ think
II. Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings
remain unchanged.
1. Mark is too young to see the horror film.
Mark is not _______________________________________________
2. They should quit smoking.
They had _______________________________________________
3. They once started these machines by hand.
They used to _______________________________________________
4. Mary went shopping because she wanted to buy some jeans.
Mary went _______________________________________________
5. She was sleeping and the fire started.
The fire _______________________________________________
The subject you enjoy learning
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

I. CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS 1. a. mud b. cut c. put d. but 2. a. measure b. sun c. son d. sit 3. a. love b. cover c. color d. lower 4. a. bought b. thought c. through d. ought 5. a. nib b. sob c. comb d. hob 6. a. bound b. sound c. count d. countryside
7. He talks as if he knows everything. a. talks b. as if c. knows d. everything
8. After dinner Helen will have her younger sister to do the washing up. a. After dinner b. will have c. to do d. washing up
9. My younger brother often spends all the day into his room. a. younger b. spends c. all the day d. into
10. I __________ wandering about all day without any food. a. got hungry b. hungered c. made hungry d. did hungry
11. Let's __________ over there. a. to go b. gone c. went d. go
12. My sister was tired __________ working too hard. a. from b. by c. with d. of
13. We've never __________ this kind of exercise before. a. do b. did c. done d. doing
14. I don't mean to __________ with so many questions! a. get you tired b. tire you c. tire yourself d. have you tired
15. You might __________ to help the newcomers. a. wanted b. want c. to want d. wants
16. Why didn't you __________ this morning? a. shave you b. shave c. get shaved yourself d. shave me
17. The __________ actress acted very well. a. meeting b. sparkling c. interesting d. leading
18. The person in charge of a business is informally known as the __________ a. chef b. chief c. boss d. master
19. How can we compare a play __________ a film?

a. on b. to c. at d. with
20. The person who is in charge of a car is the __________ a. guide b. leader c. motorist d. driver
21. Sometimes her parents take her to the city for a __________ a. seeing sight b. sight c. sign d. sightseeing
22. A person who prepares food is a __________ a. cook b. cooker c. fooder d. cookor
23. We often go to the __________ for a play. a. stationer's b. theatre c. cinema d. library
24. It's a boring play. I'm quite __________ with the performance. a. disappointed b. disappointment c. disappointing d. disappoint
25. An usherette showed us to our __________ a. chairs b. tables c. desks d. seats
26. A person who takes photographs is a __________ a. photograph b. photographer c. photography d. photographic
27. The audience was moved to __________ when the prince killed himself. a. tears b. tea c. jewelry d. dark
28. A person who knows how to use a keyboard is a __________ a. typewriter b. typist c. typing machine writer d. writer
29. They spend their summer holidays on a __________ a. field b. common c. hill d. farm
30. A woman who looks after other people's children is a __________ a. nanny b. nurse c. manager d. doctor
31. In France, snow __________ trees and houses in winter. a. hides b. covers c. tumbles d. seeks
32. The person you work with is your __________ a. college b. colleague c. collaborator d. roommate
33. The __________ is used to pull the plough. a. combine b. harvester c. cooker d. tractor
34. The person who would service your car is __________ a. a mechanic b. an engineer c. a technician d. a worker
35. Taking the same crop year after year makes the __________ poor. a. ground b. grass c. hay d. soil
36. A person who studies the origins of the universe is a __________ a. physician b. physicist c. physics d. physic
37. To make the land in good condition, we grow different __________

a. shops b. crops c. plants d. trees
38. Another word for "a doctor” is a __________ a. physician b. physicist c. medicine d. medical
39. We also fertilize the land with fertilizers and __________ a. manure b. ridge c. furrow d. water
40. Let's __________ at home and watch TV. a. stay b. staying c. to stay d. stayed
41. It’s a Sony. It's the most modern __________ a. fashion b. present c. date d. model
42. If you are one of the people waiting to be served in a shop you are a __________ a. customer b. patron c. patient d. guest
43. It is one of the __________ farms in the country. a. rich b. richer c. richest d. most rich
44. If you serve people who come into a shop, you are __________ a. an official b. a shop assistant c. an attendant d. a bank clerk
45. Mr. Green had to get to the cinema early to __________ for the tickets, a. queue up b. get up c. stand up d. line up
46. I found the film very __________ a. boring b. bored c. bore d. is boring
47. Mrs. Green took her children to the __________ for a play. a. clothing store b. National Theatre c. police station d. the zoo
48. I got so __________ waiting for you to arrive. a. boring b. bored c. bore d. is boring
49. My father is tall, but my brother is __________ a. tall b. the taller c. the tallest d. taller
50. I was __________ to attend my son's wedding as I was ill. a. able b. unable c. ability d. enabled PART B: READING
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
You may use the telephone every day but how much do you know about it? The telephone was
invented by Alexander Bell in 1876. Bell was born in Scotland in 1847. Later he went to live in the U.S.
Alexander Bell was always interested in sound. He wanted to be able to send sound through a wire. He
had a workshop in his house in America and did many experiments there.

One day, while he was doing an experiment in his workshop, he was careless and spilt some burning
liquid onto his clothes. Talking into his telephone, Bell said: "Mr. Watson, I want you to come over here
immediately, please. "His assistant, Watson, was in another room far away from the workshop. However,
he heard Bell clearly on his own telephone. Quickly he ran to Bell's workshop. "Mr. Bell, I heard every
word you said!". Watson shouted excitedly. Bell had finally succeeded. He had invented the first
telephone. Later other inventors made better ones.
1. Which of the following is true?
A. Bell invented the telephone in Scotland.
B. Bell did only one experiment and he succeeded.
C. Bell was the owner of a workshop in his house in America.
D. Bell discovered the telephone in 1847. 2. Where did Bell settle down? A. in Scotland. B. in the U.K. C. in New Zealand. D. in the US.
3. What did he have a great interest in A. music. B. sound. C. physics. D. philosophy.
4. What did he do many experiments for?
A. To express feelings through musical instruments.
B. To hear his assistant's voice.
C. To give a request to his assistant.
D. To send sound through a wire.
5. What did other inventors do later? A. Made telephones better. B. Made telephones useless. C. Made telephones unpopular. D. Made telephones disused.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
Public (1) __________ to the Disney film Snow White and the seven Dwarfs when it was (2)
__________ shown in 1937 was extraordinary. It was received (3) __________ great excitement and it
immediately became enormously popular (4) __________ the world. Good advertising was not the (5)
__________ reason for this worldwide (6) __________; the film and its characters (7) __________ the
imagination of people all (8) __________ the world like no (9) __________ before it.
In Britain, there were daily newspaper articles about the film and how (10) __________ was made.
Snow White toys and books were on (11) __________ everywhere. Some people thought that it might be
upsetting for (12) __________ but most people saw it as (13) __________ entertainment. (14)
__________ 1937, it has been reissued every few years, giving enjoyment to many (15) __________ of children. PART C: WRITING
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: She / not look / intelligent enough / university professor.
She doesn't look intelligent enough to be a university professor.

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