Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Global success (cả năm) có đáp án - Lưu Hoằng Trí

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Lớp: Lớp 10
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Chuyên đề
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ


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Mô tả nội dung:

UNIT 1: FAMILY LIFE 1A. Pronunciation • /br/, /kr/ and /tr/
I. Write the words below into the correct column.
crash brother crowded cricket trousers truth traffic credit cream broad create broad-minded brown train truck breath tree browse bridge try /br/ /kr/ /tr/
II. Write /br/, /kr/, and /tr/ under the word that has the corresponding consonant cluster sound.
Then, practise reading the sentences.

1. We tried to catch the train to Ha Noi.
2. This morning I felt crazy because the traffic was very heavy with a lot of trucks and the streets were crowded.
3. My brother likes cream in his coffee.
4. Mr. Brown buys crisps on credit.
5. My computer crashed while I was trying to create a new directory.
6. My parents are both broad-minded, so they are willing to listen to our own opinions.
7. My brother has brown eyes and broad shoulders.
8. A breathalyser is a device to measure the amount of alcohol in a driver’s breath.
9. I spend two hours browsing the web every day.
10. Sharing housework creates a positive atmosphere and we are not critical of each other. 1B. Vocabulary
• Words and phrases related to family life
I. Fill in each blank with the correct word below.
bonds benefits example laundry washing-up breadwinner chores role
1. Mr Long has found that his wife receives a great deal of love when he shares household ________.
2. In fact, childcare seems to have some important __________ for young children.
3. My mother was hanging out the __________ in the sun.
4. __________ in the extended family are generally very close.
5. Mothers play an enormous __________ in the lives of their children and the bond is very strong.
6. You should set a good __________ for your little brother.
7. Traditionally, the __________ in the home is the father.

8. Every day at 7 pm, dinner is finished and the __________ is done.
II. Choose the correct words.
1. Everyone in my family shares the cooking and domestic chores / housework.
2. Women became managers / breadwinners while their husbands went to fight in the war.
3. Yesterday she went to the supermarket to buy the laundry / groceries and flowers.
4. For this exercise, the teacher is going to divide / make the class into four groups.
5. You should tidy up / away your room at the weekend.
6. My sister did the laundry / groceries and hung wet clothes out to dry.
7. My grandfather can’t do heavy lifting / loud voice because he has a bad back.
8. Every day after dinner I do the routine / washing-up before I do my homework.
9. My dad is the breadwinner / game-winner. He goes to work to support the family
10. My sister tries to get some simple basic home cook / cooking from my mother.
III. Complete the sentences with the words below. benefit relationship good gratitude life skills benefits bond responsibility strengthens character
1. Sharing experiences __________ bonds with friends.
2. We would like to express our __________ to everyone for their help.
3. These children have not learned __________ for the future use.
4. The new system will be a great __________ to the company.
5. Sharing the responsibility for household chores can do the __________ of children’s development.
6. Parents enjoy watching their children’s __________ develop.
7. Doing physical exercise for just 30 minutes every day can bring health __________ .
8. Over six months of working together, a close __________ developed.
9. By sharing housework, family members have a very close __________ with one another.
10. Sharing housework can make children have more __________ in the future.
IV. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets.
1. One recent survey found that men’s __________ in the home had increased almost threefold in the
last four decades, (contribute)
2. A mother’s love can be as __________ as breastfeeding, (benefit)
3. In the traditional Japanese family system, the entire estate of the family, and the __________ assets
are transferred from the father to the eldest son. (finance)
4. Mrs White spoke __________ of her husband because he didn’t share anything with household chores, (criticize)
5. My aunt works __________ hard to support her family because her husband died in a car accident a year ago. (enormous)
6. When we have some trouble in our family, we should have family meetings to work out a __________ . (solve)
7. The husband is responsible for the family’s economic well-being and takes pride in his role as a __________ . (provide)
8. Parenting __________ can offer children good opportunities for their future, (collaborate)
9. We do our share of housework willingly so that we can follow __________ interests in our free time, (recreation)

10. Researchers found that an unequal __________ of household chores negatively affected wives’
marital __________ . (divide - satisfy)
V. Match the pictures 1-9 to the phrases, and write the answer in each blank. There are
some extra phrases. Number 1 has been done for you. __1__ do the cooking _____ do the ironing _____ do the washing _____ do the vacuuming _____ lay the table _____ make the bed _____ tidy your room _____ do the cleaning _____ do the shopping _____ do the washing-up _____ empty the dishwasher
_____ make breakfast / lunch / dinner _____ take the rubbish out _____ wash the car
VI. Match 1-8 to a-h to make sentences and questions about household chores.
1. Take these dirty clothes and load ______ a. the rubbish?
2. After I get up, I usually make ______ b. the table
3. Before we eat, Dad always lays ______
c. my bed and get dressed.
4. After dinner, can you help me to do ______ d. the bath, please?
5. The bathroom is dirty. Can you clean ______
e. the washing machine.
6. When the clothes are dry, please do ______ f. the washing-up?
7. The bin is full. Can you take out ______ g. the floor.
8. The carpet isn’t clean. Let’s hoover ______ h. the ironing. • Prepositions
VII. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. Who is responsible __________ taking care of the children?
2. Would you like to share your feelings __________ the group?
3. Parents should set an example __________ their children.
4. Doing exercise regularly is good __________ you.
5. Close relationship is one of the most effective ways __________ creating a good atmosphere __________ all of us.
6. The most important thing that my old grandparents care __________ is health.
7. I have quite a good relationship __________ my teachers and classmates.
8. She’d like to show a deep gratitude __________ the teacher who had encouraged her to go to university.
9. What are the qualities that are needed __________ the job?

10. My dad and I do the repairs __________ the house. 1C. Grammar
• Present simple vs present continuous
I. Complete the sentences with a verb below in the correct form.
do empty lay make (x3) take tidy wash (x2)
1. Why didn’t you __________ your bed this morning?
2. I can’t come out now. I’m __________ the cleaning.
3. Could you __________ the dishwasher and put the things away, please?
4. It’s not fair. I __________ breakfast yesterday. Nam should __________ it today.
5. Look at this bin! Please __________ the rubbish out now.
6. Mum, I’ve __________ up my room. Can I go out now?
7. Phong, __________ the table. It’s nearly dinner time. 8. A: Where’s Dad?
B: He’s __________ the car. He always __________ the car on Sunday morning.
II. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Ms Lan is not in the office today. She (work) __________ at home today.
2. “Where (you / come) __________ from?” “I’m Italian - from Rome.”
3. “(you / speak) __________ French?” “Just a little.”
4. Don’t forget your umbrella. It (rain) __________ again.
5. “Can you help me with the dinner?” “Not now. I (watch) __________ TV.”
6. In Viet Nam, children (look) __________ after their old parents.
7. “Hi! What (you / do) __________ here?” “I (wait) __________ for a friend.”
8. Can I look at the newspaper now? (you / read) __________ it?
9. Can I phone you back? We (have) __________ dinner.
10. Mr Long (work) __________ in an office every day, but now he (help) __________ his wife to prepare dinner.
III. Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct form: the present simple or present continuous. tidy help play (x2) do (x2) look after water prepare watch go study
1. My dad often __________ tennis on Sunday morning. Now he __________ the garden.
2. My mother often __________ dinner for the whole family after work. At present she __________ shopping in the supermarket.
3. My sister often __________ the film after dinner. At the moment she __________ for her test tomorrow.
4. I usually __________ football at the park with my classmates on Sunday morning.
Now I __________ my father with the chores around the house.
5. Mai __________ to school every morning. Now she __________ her mother in hospital.
6. Nam often __________ his room at the weekend. Now he __________ some heavy lifting with his brother.

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