Test 12 - Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 - Giáo viên Linh Đan

275 138 lượt tải
Lớp: Lớp 6
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Đề thi
File: Word
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ
Số trang: 8 trang


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Tài liệu được cập nhật liên tục trong gói này từ nay đến hết tháng 6/2023. Chúng tôi đảm bảo đủ số lượng đề đã cam kết hoặc có thể nhiều hơn, tất cả có BẢN WORD,  LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT và tải về dễ dàng.

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  • Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 của giáo viên Linh Đan là một tài liệu tham khảo hay , cung cấp thêm cho các em các thủ thuật để rèn luyện nâng cao kỹ năng cũng như giúp các em sắp thi học sinh giỏi các bài tập tham khảo để luyện tập.
  • File word có lời giải chi tiết 100%.
  • Mua trọn bộ sẽ tiết kiệm hơn tải lẻ 50%.

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4.6 / 5(275 )
Trọng Bình
Tài liệu hay

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Duy Trần
Tài liệu chuẩn

Rất thích tài liệu bên VJ soạn (bám sát chương trình dạy)

Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
1. a. bad b. sad c. glad d. name
2. a. hall b. honest c. high d. hot
3. a. comfortable b. come c. some d. bomb
4. a. seat b. heat c. reasonable d. heavy
5. a. line b. dim c. sin d. win
6. a. this b. these c. then d. thin
7. He didn't let me to get my toy.
a. didn't let b. me c. to get d. my toy
8. The Black Sea coast would be ideal for holiday if there are not so many people this summer.
a. would be b. ideal for c. there are d. not so many
9. Children under eighteen years old had not better smoke or drink.
a. under b. eighteen years old
c. had not better d. smoke or drink
10. Their teacher __________ some homework to do.
a. offers b. assigns c. awards d. presents
11. Haven't we done __________?
a. a lot of shoppings b. a lot of shopping
c. a shopping d. many shoppings in the
12. We often see cattle __________ meadows.
a. eat b. graze c. chew d. swallow
13. Could I have some more __________ please?
a. coffee b. coffees c. a coffee d. the coffee
14. His room is rather small compared __________ hers.
a. to b. in c. with d. for
15. I suddenly heard __________ from the room next door.
a. a loud laughter b. a loud laugh c. loud laugh d. a loudly laugh
16. The library cards are issued __________ the beginning of each year,
a. on b. at c. in d. for
17. I'm afraid I haven't __________ on me.
a. any moneys b. some moneys c. some money d. any money
18. The librarian is always __________ her desk to help the readers.
a. at b. on c. from d. in
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
19. We drove round for half an hour looking for __________
a. a parkings b. some parking c. a parking-lot d. a park
20. These are pictures of acrobats __________ from trapeze to trapeze.
a. flied b. are plying c. ply d. flying
21. Someone answers the phone and you say, "Can I __________ Elsa please?"
a. speak to b. talk to c. say to d. tell
22. They never go camping. They wish they __________ camping some time.
a. goes b. didn't go c. went d. did
23. You want to use the phone. You ask, "Can I make a __________ please?"
a. ring b. phone c. telephone d. call
24. If I __________ a car, I __________ to Spring field next month to visit my friends.
a. buy / will drive b. bought / would drive
c. had bought / would have driven d. have bought / would have driven
25. Someone calls your number by mistake, so you say, "Sorry! __________!
a. Wrong number b. Mistake
c. You've made a mistake d. Error
26. The form teacher had his pupils __________. manual work at the school workshop.
a. did b. do c. to do d. will do
27. You can make a telephone call from a public __________
a. phone box b. cabin c. cubicle d. box
28. How long ago __________ these adventure stories?
a. buy b. bought
c. did you buy d. have you bought
29. You can't get through on the phone because the number you want is __________
a. busy b. occupied c. in use d. engaged
30. Tom is three years old and Daisy is six. Daisy is Tom’s __________ sister.
a. younger b. youngest c. old d. older
31. - Do you drink tea? -1 do, but I don't __________ now, thank you.
a. want b. want any c. want some d. want it
32. She talks as if she __________ all the housework herself, but in fact her two sisters most of it.
a. did / did b. did / had done
c. had done / had done d. does / do
33. Someone offers you some food which you don't want. You say, "__________"
a. Please b. Thank you c. Thanks d. No, thank you
34. You can have a headache if you are very __________
a. tiring b. tires c. tired d. tire
35. You want your friend to wait a moment. You say," __________!"
a. Just a moment b. A moment c. One moment d. The moment
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
36. If she __________ (not apologize), he will never speak to her again.
a. don’t apologize b. didn't apologize
c. doesn't apologize d. hasn't apologized
37. You want some tea. You say," __________ a cup of tea, please!"
a. I like b. I love c. I'd like d. I may like
38 __________ it was late, we decided to take a taxi home.
a. Because b. Since c. As d. All are correct
39. You repeat a prohibition. You say, "I asked you __________ touch my computer."
a. to not b. not to c. to don't d. no to
40. If I __________ something wrong, __________at me.
a. do / don't shout b. did / shouldn't shout
c. had done / should have shouted d. all are incorrect
41. You have finished a meal at a restaurant. You say, "Let's __________ the bill."
a. ask for b. ask c. ask about d. demand
42. The actors and actresses __________ very well on the stage.
a. performers b. performance c. performed d. performs
43. You are calling your dog. You say," __________"
a. Approaching b. Come here c. Go near d. Reach here
44. The school yard was __________ with pupils and parents.
a. covered b. around c. crowded d. surrounded
45. This is what you say to a friend on January 1
: "__________New Year!"
a. Lucky b. Happy c. Merry d. Good
46. The topic of that discussion was very __________
a. interested b. interesting c. interest d. interests
47. The class stands up as you enter the room and you say," __________”
a. Sit yourselves b. Take a seat c. Sit down d. Sit you
48. The __________ who could fly from trapeze to trapeze attracted the most of all.
a. clowns b. lion-tamers c. acrobats d. managers
49. You're attending an interview and the interviewer says, "__________"
a. Sit yourselves b. Take a seat c. Sit d. Sit you
50. The opening ceremony will be __________ in that new stadium.
a. celebrated b. admired c. protected d. considered
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
The moon is the second brightest object in the sky after the sun. It is the onlv natural satellite of the
Earth and orbits around it. It has a diameter of about 3,476 kilometers and has many craters on its surface.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
These were formed by meteor crashes millions of years ago. It takes the moon 27.3 days to make one
orbit around the earth and the same period of time to complete one rotation on its axis.
The moon is the only celestial body that has been visited by human beings. One reason is that the
moon is much closer to the earth than the other planets; it is estimated that the moon is about 24,000 miles
from the earth. We can create gravitational forces between the earth and the moon cause some interesting
effects. The most obvious is the tides. Under the gravitational effect of the moon, the water in the earth's
oceans, as they are fluid, is pulled toward the moon. This cause tides when the level of the sea rises and
1. According to the passage, what is true about the moon?
A. The moon is one of the natural satellites of the earth.
B. The sun is the only object in the sky that is brighter than the moon.
C. The moon's diameter is less than 3,000 kilometers.
D. The moon orbits around the sun.
2. How long does it take the moon to complete a rotation on its axis?
A. 27.3 days B. 23.7 days
C. more than 27.3 days D. less than 23.7 days
3. The word celestial in the first line of paragraph 2 is meaning to which of the following?
A. earthly. B. faraway. C. space. D. strange.
4. What causes tides on the earth?
A. The gravitational effects between the earth and the moon.
B. The movements of the oceans.
C. The gravitational effects of the sun on the earth.
D. The close distance between the earth and the moon.
5. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A. Man cannot visit any other planets other than the moon.
B. Man will one day live on the moon.
C. Tides are the only effect that the moon has on the earth.
D. Other planets apart from the moon are more than 240,000 miles from the earth.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
A few day ago I noticed my six-year-old son (1) __________ noodles in a funny way. He was pulling
them up (2) __________ his teeth while trying to (3) __________ recent TV (4) __________, so I
quizzed him (5) __________ what he (6) __________ about dinosaurs. The answer was, not a lot.
There is a rush to embrace internet and computer learning, but is learning via a screen a good method?
One writer tells (7) __________ he tried out an interactive program with his son. The father diligently
read the words (8) __________ the son were interested in the pictures. "Had he (9) __________ ten
minutes in front of a book, he might possibly have learned something," (10) __________ his father.
Television, as (11) __________ son and his noodles demonstrate, is an impressionistic, suggestive
medium. Research about television and learning goes on in a learning (12) __________ where dialogue is
taking (13) __________ with teachers or parents. It needs to be considered. There is nothing (14)
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
__________ with using new technology to teach our children, (15) __________ there is still a big role for
formal education.
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: Keith/ forget/ umbrella/ he/ got/ wet
Keith forgot his umbrella, so he got wet.
1. He / speak English / fluently than Peter.
2. We speak Vietnamese / worst / all.
3. You / better not / swimming because / look sick.
4. Sports / athletics make / strong.
5. The teacher make / us speak English / class.
6. His friend persuade / him / study chemistry
7. Tom used / go / class late last year
8. Paul intend / take / English course.
9. Although/ it/ raining/ we/ went/ shop/ anyway
10. television news/ not/ interesting/ yesterday
II. Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings
remain unchanged.
1. I have never read such a romantic story.
This is the most ___________________________________________________
2. I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years.
It's years since ___________________________________________________
3. He has been working at the factory for 15 years.
He started ___________________________________________________
4. New York is the largest city of the United States.
No other city of the U.S ___________________________________________________
5. He started work as soon as the term had finished.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

I. CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS 1. a. bad b. sad c. glad d. name 2. a. hall b. honest c. high d. hot 3. a. comfortable b. come c. some d. bomb 4. a. seat b. heat c. reasonable d. heavy 5. a. line b. dim c. sin d. win 6. a. this b. these c. then d. thin
7. He didn't let me to get my toy. a. didn't let b. me c. to get d. my toy
8. The Black Sea coast would be ideal for holiday if there are not so many people this summer. a. would be b. ideal for c. there are d. not so many
9. Children under eighteen years old had not better smoke or drink. a. under b. eighteen years old c. had not better d. smoke or drink
10. Their teacher __________ some homework to do. a. offers b. assigns c. awards d. presents
11. Haven't we done __________? a. a lot of shoppings b. a lot of shopping c. a shopping d. many shoppings in the
12. We often see cattle __________ meadows. a. eat b. graze c. chew d. swallow
13. Could I have some more __________ please? a. coffee b. coffees c. a coffee d. the coffee
14. His room is rather small compared __________ hers. a. to b. in c. with d. for
15. I suddenly heard __________ from the room next door. a. a loud laughter b. a loud laugh c. loud laugh d. a loudly laugh
16. The library cards are issued __________ the beginning of each year, a. on b. at c. in d. for
17. I'm afraid I haven't __________ on me. a. any moneys b. some moneys c. some money d. any money
18. The librarian is always __________ her desk to help the readers. a. at b. on c. from d. in

19. We drove round for half an hour looking for __________ a. a parkings b. some parking c. a parking-lot d. a park
20. These are pictures of acrobats __________ from trapeze to trapeze. a. flied b. are plying c. ply d. flying
21. Someone answers the phone and you say, "Can I __________ Elsa please?" a. speak to b. talk to c. say to d. tell
22. They never go camping. They wish they __________ camping some time. a. goes b. didn't go c. went d. did
23. You want to use the phone. You ask, "Can I make a __________ please?" a. ring b. phone c. telephone d. call
24. If I __________ a car, I __________ to Spring field next month to visit my friends. a. buy / will drive b. bought / would drive
c. had bought / would have driven
d. have bought / would have driven
25. Someone calls your number by mistake, so you say, "Sorry! __________! a. Wrong number b. Mistake c. You've made a mistake d. Error
26. The form teacher had his pupils __________. manual work at the school workshop. a. did b. do c. to do d. will do
27. You can make a telephone call from a public __________ a. phone box b. cabin c. cubicle d. box
28. How long ago __________ these adventure stories? a. buy b. bought c. did you buy d. have you bought
29. You can't get through on the phone because the number you want is __________ a. busy b. occupied c. in use d. engaged
30. Tom is three years old and Daisy is six. Daisy is Tom’s __________ sister. a. younger b. youngest c. old d. older
31. - Do you drink tea? -1 do, but I don't __________ now, thank you. a. want b. want any c. want some d. want it
32. She talks as if she __________ all the housework herself, but in fact her two sisters most of it. a. did / did b. did / had done c. had done / had done d. does / do
33. Someone offers you some food which you don't want. You say, "__________" a. Please b. Thank you c. Thanks d. No, thank you
34. You can have a headache if you are very __________ a. tiring b. tires c. tired d. tire
35. You want your friend to wait a moment. You say," __________!" a. Just a moment b. A moment c. One moment d. The moment

36. If she __________ (not apologize), he will never speak to her again. a. don’t apologize b. didn't apologize c. doesn't apologize d. hasn't apologized
37. You want some tea. You say," __________ a cup of tea, please!" a. I like b. I love c. I'd like d. I may like
38 __________ it was late, we decided to take a taxi home. a. Because b. Since c. As d. All are correct
39. You repeat a prohibition. You say, "I asked you __________ touch my computer." a. to not b. not to c. to don't d. no to
40. If I __________ something wrong, __________at me. a. do / don't shout b. did / shouldn't shout
c. had done / should have shouted d. all are incorrect
41. You have finished a meal at a restaurant. You say, "Let's __________ the bill." a. ask for b. ask c. ask about d. demand
42. The actors and actresses __________ very well on the stage. a. performers b. performance c. performed d. performs
43. You are calling your dog. You say," __________" a. Approaching b. Come here c. Go near d. Reach here
44. The school yard was __________ with pupils and parents. a. covered b. around c. crowded d. surrounded
45. This is what you say to a friend on January 1st: "__________New Year!" a. Lucky b. Happy c. Merry d. Good
46. The topic of that discussion was very __________ a. interested b. interesting c. interest d. interests
47. The class stands up as you enter the room and you say," __________” a. Sit yourselves b. Take a seat c. Sit down d. Sit you
48. The __________ who could fly from trapeze to trapeze attracted the most of all. a. clowns b. lion-tamers c. acrobats d. managers
49. You're attending an interview and the interviewer says, "__________" a. Sit yourselves b. Take a seat c. Sit d. Sit you
50. The opening ceremony will be __________ in that new stadium. a. celebrated b. admired c. protected d. considered PART B: READING
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
The moon is the second brightest object in the sky after the sun. It is the onlv natural satellite of the
Earth and orbits around it. It has a diameter of about 3,476 kilometers and has many craters on its surface.

These were formed by meteor crashes millions of years ago. It takes the moon 27.3 days to make one
orbit around the earth and the same period of time to complete one rotation on its axis.
The moon is the only celestial body that has been visited by human beings. One reason is that the
moon is much closer to the earth than the other planets; it is estimated that the moon is about 24,000 miles
from the earth. We can create gravitational forces between the earth and the moon cause some interesting
effects. The most obvious is the tides. Under the gravitational effect of the moon, the water in the earth's
oceans, as they are fluid, is pulled toward the moon. This cause tides when the level of the sea rises and falls.
1. According to the passage, what is true about the moon?
A. The moon is one of the natural satellites of the earth.
B. The sun is the only object in the sky that is brighter than the moon.
C. The moon's diameter is less than 3,000 kilometers.
D. The moon orbits around the sun.
2. How long does it take the moon to complete a rotation on its axis? A. 27.3 days B. 23.7 days C. more than 27.3 days D. less than 23.7 days
3. The word celestial in the first line of paragraph 2 is meaning to which of the following? A. earthly. B. faraway. C. space. D. strange.
4. What causes tides on the earth?
A. The gravitational effects between the earth and the moon.
B. The movements of the oceans.
C. The gravitational effects of the sun on the earth.
D. The close distance between the earth and the moon.
5. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A. Man cannot visit any other planets other than the moon.
B. Man will one day live on the moon.
C. Tides are the only effect that the moon has on the earth.
D. Other planets apart from the moon are more than 240,000 miles from the earth.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
A few day ago I noticed my six-year-old son (1) __________ noodles in a funny way. He was pulling
them up (2) __________ his teeth while trying to (3) __________ recent TV (4) __________, so I
quizzed him (5) __________ what he (6) __________ about dinosaurs. The answer was, not a lot.
There is a rush to embrace internet and computer learning, but is learning via a screen a good method?
One writer tells (7) __________ he tried out an interactive program with his son. The father diligently
read the words (8) __________ the son were interested in the pictures. "Had he (9) __________ ten
minutes in front of a book, he might possibly have learned something," (10) __________ his father.
Television, as (11) __________ son and his noodles demonstrate, is an impressionistic, suggestive
medium. Research about television and learning goes on in a learning (12) __________ where dialogue is
taking (13) __________ with teachers or parents. It needs to be considered. There is nothing (14)

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