Test 13 - Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 - Giáo viên Linh Đan

223 112 lượt tải
Lớp: Lớp 6
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Đề thi
File: Word
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ
Số trang: 8 trang


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  • Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 của giáo viên Linh Đan là một tài liệu tham khảo hay , cung cấp thêm cho các em các thủ thuật để rèn luyện nâng cao kỹ năng cũng như giúp các em sắp thi học sinh giỏi các bài tập tham khảo để luyện tập.
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4.6 / 5(223 )
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Rất thích tài liệu bên VJ soạn (bám sát chương trình dạy)

Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
1. a. wind b. kind c. behind d. night
2. a. shall b. hall c. war d. tall
3. a. myth b. with c. both d. sixth
4. a. moon b. food c. blood d. pool
5. a. write b. high c. written d. right
6. a. asked b. helped c. missed d. wanted
7. My aunt lives two miles farther from here.
a. My aunt b. lives c. farther d. from
8. Tom hasn't returned back to school yet.
a. hasn't returned b. back c. to d. yet
9. They are going to lay down for an hour.
a. are going to b. lay c. down d. for
10. Thousands of football __________ marched in the streets after the winning of their team.
a. players b. forwards c. fellows d. fans
11. Here's __________ that will interest you.
a. a new b. a piece of news
c. a news d. news
12. Ten ASEAN countries sent their best teams to ___________ in that football cup.
a. fight b. compete c. express d. explain
13. What __________!
a. nice weather b. a nice weather
c. the nice weather d. weather nice
14. Large __________ ships are used to bring goods from country to country
a. wooden b. sea-going c. tiny d. broken
15. A lot of people don't eat __________
a. pig b. pork d. hog d. the pig
16. He looked like his father in every __________
a. detail b. appearance c. activity d. suburb
17. I receive __________
a. all kinds of letters b. all kind of letters
c. all kinds of letter d. all kinds letters
18. The cattle made a lot of __________ in the farm yard.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
a. noise b. noisy c. noises d. noisier
19. We sell __________
a. all kinds of cloth b. all kind of cloth
c. all kind of cloths d. all the kinds of cloth
20. We must cross the street at the __________
a. pavement b. bus stop c. zebra crossing d. district
21. While you are at the greengrocer's, please get a __________
a. greens b. salad c. lettuce d. green
22. He is a curious boy. He always __________ questions.
a. asks b. looks at c. says d. laughs at
23. Do you need __________?
a. a help b. any help c. any helps d. helps
24. They __________ healthy after the summer holidays.
a. saw b. looked at c. looking d. looked
25. We’ve had __________ lately.
a. very good time b. very good weather
c. a very good weather d. very well weather
26.1 believe that __________ they'll tell us about.
a. himself b. herself c. themselves d. ourselves
27. I've never seen anyone eat __________ as quickly as you do.
a. a bar of chocolate b. some chocolate
c. some bar of chocolate d. a bar of chocolates
28. I'm afraid you __________ to do this. It's a regulation.
a. should b. ought c. must d. have to
29. Thank you for __________ me.
a. invite b. invited c. inviting d. invitation
30 __________ don't love to read picture-books.
a. Some pupil b. Some of pupils
c. Some of the pupils d. Some the pupils
31. I am really looking forward to __________ you and your family again.
a. see b. have seen c. saw d. seeing
32 __________ do you go to the library? Twice a week.
a. How often b. How c. How long d. How far
33. How much __________?
a. does it make b. is it c. does it d. has it
34. They buy tickets at the __________
a. box office b. cinema c. performance d. pictures
35. John left school __________ the age of 18.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
a. for b. in c. on d. at
36. There is always a __________ in front of the cinema.
a. people b. shopkeeper c. crowd d. guest
37. These apples have and __________ they're not very nice.
a. go soft b. gone soft c. made soft d. kept soft
38. We're going __________ the zoo this evening.
a. at b. for c. to d. in
39. I __________ playing tennis.
a. heated b. hotted c. got hot d. got heat
40. They had to __________ up for the tickets yesterday evening.
a. queue b. fall c. stand d. come
41. This nice hand cream will __________ your hands soft.
a. do b. make c. get d. have
42. The show often begins with a __________
a. training film b. newsreel c. cartoon d. main film
43. I __________ waiting for the bus.
a. cold b. colded c. got cold d. made cole
44. We __________ a very good play at the National Theatre.
a. do just see b. did just see c. have just seen d. have seen just
45. The United Nations __________ about 160 nations.
a. consist of b. consist in c. consist d. consists of
46. Do you enjoy __________ to the theatre?
a. go b. to go c. going d. went
47. English is easy when you begin learning but it soon __________
a. gets difficult b. does difficult c. difficults d. makes difficult
48. What do you intend __________?
a. bought b. to buy c. buy d. to have bought
49. Would you like to go __________ a walk __________ the park this afternoon?
a. for/in b. for / at c. to / in d.to/at
50. I'm afraid of __________ the streets.
a. cross b. to cross c. crossing d. crossed
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
For many people the language of the Internet is English. "World, Wide, Web: Three English Words"
was the name of an article by Michael Specter in the New York Times a few years ago. The article went
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
on to say: "If you want to take full advantage of the Internet, there is only one real way to do it: learn
In general, it is not difficult to learn to use Internet services. But although Internet services are rather
easy to use, you will have considerable difficulties if you are not familiar with English. In fact,
knowledge of English is one of the most important aspects that help you use the Internet. Learning to use
a new Internet service may take a few hours, a few days, or some weeks, but it takes years to learn a
language so that you can use it fluently and confidently. Of course, when you know some English, you
can learn more just by using it on the Internet. But a least your English should be good enough to
understand commonly used words and tò know what to do on the Internet.
1. Which of the following languages is considered the language of the Internet by many people?
A. Chinese. B. Japanese. C. English. D. French.
2. According to the article by Michael Specter, what should you do to take full advantage of the Internet?
A. Learn to use the Internet services.
B. Learn to type fast.
c. Learn the names of some websites.
D. Learn English.
3. Learning to use a language fluently and confidently may take __________
A. a few hours. B. a few days.
c. a few weeks. D. a few years.
4. If you do now know English very well, you will __________ When using the Internet.
A. have many difficulties.
B. be laughed at.
C. have to learn how to use Internet services for a few weeks.
D. have to learn a language fluently.
5. Which of the following titles is most appropriate for the two passages?
A. Ways to take full advantage of the Internet.
B. English and the Internet.
C. How to use Internet service.
D. Practising your English on the Internet.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
C and A is probably one of (1) __________ largest family fashion stores in the world, and their shops
are a familiar sight in (2) __________ High Streets in Britain. (3) __________ many British people
would be surprised to learn (4) __________ this fashion company has Dutch origins. Founded in the
small market town of Sneek in 1841, the first c & A shop (5) __________ opened by two brothers (6)
__________ Clemens and August Brenninkmeyer. The initials of their first names formed the name of the
As trade grew, more (7) __________ were opened across Europe and in 1922 C & A came to Britain
(8) __________ success was immediate and the store was a major (9) __________ in bringing down the
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
(10) __________ of women's clothes. It was the two brothers (11) __________ started the 5-day working
week, at a time when shopkeepers in Britain expected their (12) __________ to work a 6- day week.
Today c & A employs many thousands of people. All the (13) __________ are attractively (14)
__________ with good use of space, lighting and plenty of individual changing rooms where (15)
__________ can try things on in comfort before they buy.
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: We/ can/ go/ cinema/ if/ there/ a good film/ on
We could go to the cinema if there is a good film on.
1. I / not understand what / saying
2. She / finish / work very soon
3. When we / there / train / already leave / station.
4. Why / you not come / meeting yesterday?
5. She hears / children laughing / the garden.
6. They will / visited Hanoi traveling / space / about two years.
7. They appoint / Lomonosoy professor / chemistry.
8. By then/ it/ will/ have/ travelling/ space/ for/ about/ two/ year
9. Jean/ unable/ come/ the party
10. you/ should/ eat/ lot/ of/ sweets
II. Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings
remain unchanged.
1. An agreement was hoped to be reached soon.
The sooner _______________________________________________
2. One day it's possible that robots will do all our housework.
All our housework _______________________________________________
3. "I wasn't there at that time".
He denied _______________________________________________
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

I. CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS: 1. a. wind b. kind c. behind d. night 2. a. shall b. hall c. war d. tall 3. a. myth b. with c. both d. sixth 4. a. moon b. food c. blood d. pool 5. a. write b. high c. written d. right 6. a. asked b. helped c. missed d. wanted
7. My aunt lives two miles farther from here. a. My aunt b. lives c. farther d. from
8. Tom hasn't returned back to school yet. a. hasn't returned b. back c. to d. yet
9. They are going to lay down for an hour. a. are going to b. lay c. down d. for
10. Thousands of football __________ marched in the streets after the winning of their team. a. players b. forwards c. fellows d. fans
11. Here's __________ that will interest you. a. a new b. a piece of news c. a news d. news
12. Ten ASEAN countries sent their best teams to ___________ in that football cup. a. fight b. compete c. express d. explain 13. What __________! a. nice weather b. a nice weather c. the nice weather d. weather nice
14. Large __________ ships are used to bring goods from country to country a. wooden b. sea-going c. tiny d. broken
15. A lot of people don't eat __________ a. pig b. pork d. hog d. the pig
16. He looked like his father in every __________ a. detail b. appearance c. activity d. suburb 17. I receive __________ a. all kinds of letters b. all kind of letters c. all kinds of letter d. all kinds letters
18. The cattle made a lot of __________ in the farm yard.

a. noise b. noisy c. noises d. noisier 19. We sell __________ a. all kinds of cloth b. all kind of cloth c. all kind of cloths d. all the kinds of cloth
20. We must cross the street at the __________ a. pavement b. bus stop c. zebra crossing d. district
21. While you are at the greengrocer's, please get a __________ a. greens b. salad c. lettuce d. green
22. He is a curious boy. He always __________ questions. a. asks b. looks at c. says d. laughs at 23. Do you need __________? a. a help b. any help c. any helps d. helps
24. They __________ healthy after the summer holidays. a. saw b. looked at c. looking d. looked
25. We’ve had __________ lately. a. very good time b. very good weather c. a very good weather d. very well weather
26.1 believe that __________ they'll tell us about. a. himself b. herself c. themselves d. ourselves
27. I've never seen anyone eat __________ as quickly as you do. a. a bar of chocolate b. some chocolate c. some bar of chocolate d. a bar of chocolates
28. I'm afraid you __________ to do this. It's a regulation. a. should b. ought c. must d. have to
29. Thank you for __________ me. a. invite b. invited c. inviting d. invitation
30 __________ don't love to read picture-books. a. Some pupil b. Some of pupils c. Some of the pupils d. Some the pupils
31. I am really looking forward to __________ you and your family again. a. see b. have seen c. saw d. seeing
32 __________ do you go to the library? Twice a week. a. How often b. How c. How long d. How far 33. How much __________? a. does it make b. is it c. does it d. has it
34. They buy tickets at the __________ a. box office b. cinema c. performance d. pictures
35. John left school __________ the age of 18.

a. for b. in c. on d. at
36. There is always a __________ in front of the cinema. a. people b. shopkeeper c. crowd d. guest
37. These apples have and __________ they're not very nice. a. go soft b. gone soft c. made soft d. kept soft
38. We're going __________ the zoo this evening. a. at b. for c. to d. in
39. I __________ playing tennis. a. heated b. hotted c. got hot d. got heat
40. They had to __________ up for the tickets yesterday evening. a. queue b. fall c. stand d. come
41. This nice hand cream will __________ your hands soft. a. do b. make c. get d. have
42. The show often begins with a __________ a. training film b. newsreel c. cartoon d. main film
43. I __________ waiting for the bus. a. cold b. colded c. got cold d. made cole
44. We __________ a very good play at the National Theatre. a. do just see b. did just see c. have just seen d. have seen just
45. The United Nations __________ about 160 nations. a. consist of b. consist in c. consist d. consists of
46. Do you enjoy __________ to the theatre? a. go b. to go c. going d. went
47. English is easy when you begin learning but it soon __________ a. gets difficult b. does difficult c. difficults d. makes difficult
48. What do you intend __________? a. bought b. to buy c. buy d. to have bought
49. Would you like to go __________ a walk __________ the park this afternoon? a. for/in b. for / at c. to / in d.to/at
50. I'm afraid of __________ the streets. a. cross b. to cross c. crossing d. crossed PART B: READING
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
For many people the language of the Internet is English. "World, Wide, Web: Three English Words"
was the name of an article by Michael Specter in the New York Times a few years ago. The article went

on to say: "If you want to take full advantage of the Internet, there is only one real way to do it: learn English."
In general, it is not difficult to learn to use Internet services. But although Internet services are rather
easy to use, you will have considerable difficulties if you are not familiar with English. In fact,
knowledge of English is one of the most important aspects that help you use the Internet. Learning to use
a new Internet service may take a few hours, a few days, or some weeks, but it takes years to learn a
language so that you can use it fluently and confidently. Of course, when you know some English, you
can learn more just by using it on the Internet. But a least your English should be good enough to
understand commonly used words and tò know what to do on the Internet.
1. Which of the following languages is considered the language of the Internet by many people? A. Chinese. B. Japanese. C. English. D. French.
2. According to the article by Michael Specter, what should you do to take full advantage of the Internet?
A. Learn to use the Internet services. B. Learn to type fast.
c. Learn the names of some websites. D. Learn English.
3. Learning to use a language fluently and confidently may take __________ A. a few hours. B. a few days. c. a few weeks. D. a few years.
4. If you do now know English very well, you will __________ When using the Internet. A. have many difficulties. B. be laughed at.
C. have to learn how to use Internet services for a few weeks.
D. have to learn a language fluently.
5. Which of the following titles is most appropriate for the two passages?
A. Ways to take full advantage of the Internet. B. English and the Internet.
C. How to use Internet service.
D. Practising your English on the Internet.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
C and A is probably one of (1) __________ largest family fashion stores in the world, and their shops
are a familiar sight in (2) __________ High Streets in Britain. (3) __________ many British people
would be surprised to learn (4) __________ this fashion company has Dutch origins. Founded in the
small market town of Sneek in 1841, the first c & A shop (5) __________ opened by two brothers (6)
__________ Clemens and August Brenninkmeyer. The initials of their first names formed the name of the shop.
As trade grew, more (7) __________ were opened across Europe and in 1922 C & A came to Britain
(8) __________ success was immediate and the store was a major (9) __________ in bringing down the

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