Test 17 - Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 - Giáo viên Linh Đan

304 152 lượt tải
Lớp: Lớp 6
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Đề thi
File: Word
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ
Số trang: 8 trang


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Tài liệu được cập nhật liên tục trong gói này từ nay đến hết tháng 6/2023. Chúng tôi đảm bảo đủ số lượng đề đã cam kết hoặc có thể nhiều hơn, tất cả có BẢN WORD,  LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT và tải về dễ dàng.

Để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút Tải Xuống ở trên!

  • Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 của giáo viên Linh Đan là một tài liệu tham khảo hay , cung cấp thêm cho các em các thủ thuật để rèn luyện nâng cao kỹ năng cũng như giúp các em sắp thi học sinh giỏi các bài tập tham khảo để luyện tập.
  • File word có lời giải chi tiết 100%.
  • Mua trọn bộ sẽ tiết kiệm hơn tải lẻ 50%.

Đánh giá

4.6 / 5(304 )
Trọng Bình
Tài liệu hay

Giúp ích cho tôi rất nhiều

Duy Trần
Tài liệu chuẩn

Rất thích tài liệu bên VJ soạn (bám sát chương trình dạy)

Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
1. a. absent b. government c. comment d. independent
2. a. forget b. unfortunate c. form d. fortieth
3. a. now b. show c. down d. cow
4. a. absent b. absorb c. bib d. debt
5. a. feather b. weak c. heat d. beat
6. a. sit. b. nice c. bite d. kite
7. Daisy's ring is make of gold.
a. Daisy's b. is c. make d. of
8. He ate the apple greedy.
a. ate b. the c. apple d. greedy
9. Until she died at the age of sixty, she is a very successful poet in this country.
a. Until b. died c. is d. successful
10. New Year's__________is the night before New Year.
a. Eve b. Even c. Ever d. Night
11. __________people know are worried about the environment.
a. Most b. The most c. Much d. The much
12. Our visits to Uncle Ho's Mausoleum made the trip more__________
a. amuse b. amused c. amusing d. amusement
13. Which is the__________building in this town?
a. elder b. most old c. oldest d. most elder
14. It is interesting to join in the__________of fireworks.
a. garland b. picture c. display d. playing
15. My brother is__________than I am.
a. elder b. older c. more old d. most older
16. Tractors, combine harvesters and other machines are various types of__________equipment for
farming nowadays.
a. useless b. use c. useful d. using
17. At the present time, __________people can afford to travel abroad for their holiday.
a. less b. lesser c. fewer d. smaller
18. He will do__________if there is iron and steel.
a. needlework b. metalwork c. woodwork d. cooking
19. Your car is__________than mine.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
a. very larger b. very much larger
c. a lot more larger d. more larger
20. He does his__________to win for his class.
a. well b. better c. best d. good
21. The Lockerbie crash was one of the__________disasters in aviation history.
a. worse b. worst c. most bad d. baddest
22. Tom seems to be important as if he__________a teacher.
a. is b. were c. has been d. was
23. This novel is so exciting, I can hardly wait to get to the__________chapter!
a.last b. latest c. newest d. youngest
24. If you want to telephone, please go to the telephone__________
a. shop b. booth c. fair d. receiver
25. I haven't met our new secretary yet__________?
a. What's she like b. How is she
c. How is she like d. What does she like
26. Don't__________ your bicycle too fast.
a. go b. drive c. ride d. walk
27. I don't know the English word for this__________?
a. What do you call it b. How do you call it
c. How do you name it d. What do you name it
28. How happy we were to__________our holidays on the farm!
a. send b. pass c. spend d.have
29. I don't know your friend's name __________?
a. What is she called b. How is she called
c. What is she named d. What does she call
30. He acts__________he were the oldest person here.
a. as b. if c. as if d. like
31. __________paid the waiter? - Jane did.
a. Whom b. How c. Who d. Whose
32. They are going to__________their golden wedding anniversary next week.
a. hold b. celebrate c. have d. open
33. __________ pictures are those?
a. Whose b. Who’s c. How's d. What's
34. He is jogging__________her two friends.
a. among b. between c. beside d. besides
35. I hear you've been ill__________now?
a. How do you do b. How are you
c. What do you do d. How do you
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
36. Uncle Ho is a man of great__________
a. simple b. simplest c. simply d. simplicity
37. -__________for a living? - I'm an engineer.
a. What are you doing b. How do you do
c. What do you do d. What are you
38. There are so many people in the pastures that we cannot know the exact number. There are
a. counter b. counted c. countless d. countable
39. I've never met your son, __________?
a. how old is he b. what age has he
c. what old is he d. how age is he
40. Ho Chi Minh city is an important industrial__________
a. centered b. central c. centrally d. center
41. __________'s the weather like today?
a. What b. Who c. How d. Which
42. He became a poor__________when his parents died.
a. elephant b. orphan c. orchestra d. orphanage
43. I've never heard of John Nashe__________is he?
a. Who b. What c. How d. Which
44. He asked for a second__________because he was very hungry.
a. dish b. spoon c. fork d. helping
45. __________tall you've grown!
a. What b. How c. Howmuch d. How many
46. It wasn't__________of you to serve yourself without asking.
a. happy b. complicated c. polite d. rude
47. __________you are!
a. What a tall girl b. How tall girl c. What tall girl d. How a tall girl
48. Don't__________me as if I were an idiot!
a. talk b. show c. turn d. treat
49. In the old days, orphans and homeless people lived and worked in__________
a. workhomes b. workhouses c. warehouses d. workshops
50. Where are you going to__________your summer holiday?
a. send b. spend c. stay d. live
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
Solar energy is a long lasting source of energy which can be used almost anywhere. To generate
solar energy, we only need solar cells and the sun! Solar cells can easily be installed on house roofs, so no
new space is needed and each user can quietly generate their own energy. Compared to other renewable
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
sources, they also possess many advantages: wind and water power relies on turbines which are noisy,
expensive and easy to break down. Solar cells are totally silent and non-polluting. As they have no
moving parts, they require little maintenance and have a long lifetime.
However, solar energy also has some disadvantages. We can only generate solar energy during
daytime because the system depends on sunlight. Besides, solar cells require large are to work effectively.
The main disadvantage of solar energy is that it
costs about twice as much as traditional sources such as coal, oil, and gas. This is because solar cells are
expensive. Scientists are hoping that the costs of solar cells will reduce as more and more people see the
advantages of this environmentally friendly source of energy.
1. What does the passage primarily discuss?
A. Solar energy as an alternative for fossil energy.
B. Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy.
C. Solar energy's advantages over other sources of energy.
D. The cost of solar energy.
2. What does the word "they" in line 5 refer to?
A. solar cells. B. solar energy users.
C. other renewable resources. D. advantages.
3. What is NOT mentioned as an advantage of solar cells?
A. They are non-polluting. B. They operate quietly.
C. They require little maintenance. D. They cost little to produce
4. Which of the following is NOT a traditional source of energy?
A. oil. B. gas. C. solar energy. D. coal.
5. Which of the following is the main disadvantage of solar energy?
A. It is expensive.
B. It depends on sunlight.
C. Solar cells require large areas to operate.
D. It is unfriendly to the environment.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
What sort of job should you look (1) __________? Much depends (2) __________your long-term aim.
You need to ask (3) __________ whether you want to specialize in a particular field, work your (4)
__________up to higher levels of responsibility or (5) __________of your current employment into a
broader (6) __________This job will (7) __________studied very carefully when you send your letter of
(8) __________ for your next job. It (9) __________ show evidence of serious career planning. (10)
__________important, it should extend you, develop you and give you increasing.(11) __________
Incidentally, if the travel bug is biting, (12) __________ is the time to pack up and go. You can do
temporary work for a (13) __________; when you return, pick up where you have (14) __________off
and get the second (15) __________.
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: Biscuits / make / that factory
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
Biscuits are made in that factory.
1. The secret agent / arrest / Zu rich airport / last week
2. The key / keep / that box
3. Hazel / teach / Miss Jones last year, / think
4. The grass / always cut / every week
5. you / give / the right information / yesterday?
6. You / not invite / to the party / a fortnight ago
7. the stolen car / ever find?
8. That/ great/ film/ we/ see/ last night
9. my friends/ already/ study/ English/ ten/ years
10. They/ never/ eat/ fish/ chips/ before
II. Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings
remain unchanged.
1. The sea was so rough that the terry couldn't sail.
The rough sea_____________________________________________
2. He is a careful driver.
He drives_____________________________________________
3. She sings well
She is_____________________________________________
4. All the arrangements have been made.
5. He is the best football player in his team.
No one_____________________________________________
Describe a city
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

I. CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS: 1. a. absent b. government c. comment d. independent 2. a. forget b. unfortunate c. form d. fortieth 3. a. now b. show c. down d. cow 4. a. absent b. absorb c. bib d. debt 5. a. feather b. weak c. heat d. beat 6. a. sit . b. nice c. bite d. kite
7. Daisy's ring is make of gold. a. Daisy's b. is c. make d. of 8. He ate the apple greedy. a. ate b. the c. apple d. greedy
9. Until she died at the age of sixty, she is a very successful poet in this country. a. Until b. died c. is d. successful
10. New Year's__________is the night before New Year. a. Eve b. Even c. Ever d. Night
11. __________people know are worried about the environment. a. Most b. The most c. Much d. The much
12. Our visits to Uncle Ho's Mausoleum made the trip more__________ a. amuse b. amused c. amusing d. amusement
13. Which is the__________building in this town? a. elder b. most old c. oldest d. most elder
14. It is interesting to join in the__________of fireworks. a. garland b. picture c. display d. playing
15. My brother is__________than I am. a. elder b. older c. more old d. most older
16. Tractors, combine harvesters and other machines are various types of__________equipment for farming nowadays. a. useless b. use c. useful d. using
17. At the present time, __________people can afford to travel abroad for their holiday. a. less b. lesser c. fewer d. smaller
18. He will do__________if there is iron and steel.
a. needlework b. metalwork c. woodwork d. cooking
19. Your car is__________than mine.

a. very larger b. very much larger c. a lot more larger d. more larger
20. He does his__________to win for his class. a. well b. better c. best d. good
21. The Lockerbie crash was one of the__________disasters in aviation history. a. worse b. worst c. most bad d. baddest
22. Tom seems to be important as if he__________a teacher. a. is b. were c. has been d. was
23. This novel is so exciting, I can hardly wait to get to the__________chapter! a.last b. latest c. newest d. youngest
24. If you want to telephone, please go to the telephone__________ a. shop b. booth c. fair d. receiver
25. I haven't met our new secretary yet__________? a. What's she like b. How is she c. How is she like d. What does she like
26. Don't__________ your bicycle too fast. a. go b. drive c. ride d. walk
27. I don't know the English word for this__________? a. What do you call it b. How do you call it c. How do you name it d. What do you name it
28. How happy we were to__________our holidays on the farm! a. send b. pass c. spend d.have
29. I don't know your friend's name __________? a. What is she called b. How is she called c. What is she named d. What does she call
30. He acts__________he were the oldest person here. a. as b. if c. as if d. like
31. __________paid the waiter? - Jane did. a. Whom b. How c. Who d. Whose
32. They are going to__________their golden wedding anniversary next week. a. hold b. celebrate c. have d. open
33. __________ pictures are those? a. Whose b. Who’s c. How's d. What's
34. He is jogging__________her two friends. a. among b. between c. beside d. besides
35. I hear you've been ill__________now? a. How do you do b. How are you c. What do you do d. How do you

36. Uncle Ho is a man of great__________ a. simple b. simplest c. simply d. simplicity
37. -__________for a living? - I'm an engineer. a. What are you doing b. How do you do c. What do you do d. What are you
38. There are so many people in the pastures that we cannot know the exact number. There are __________people. a. counter b. counted c. countless d. countable
39. I've never met your son, __________? a. how old is he b. what age has he c. what old is he d. how age is he
40. Ho Chi Minh city is an important industrial__________ a. centered b. central c. centrally d. center
41. __________'s the weather like today? a. What b. Who c. How d. Which
42. He became a poor__________when his parents died. a. elephant b. orphan c. orchestra d. orphanage
43. I've never heard of John Nashe__________is he? a. Who b. What c. How d. Which
44. He asked for a second__________because he was very hungry. a. dish b. spoon c. fork d. helping
45. __________tall you've grown! a. What b. How c. How much d. How many
46. It wasn't__________of you to serve yourself without asking. a. happy b. complicated c. polite d. rude 47. __________you are! a. What a tall girl b. How tall girl c. What tall girl d. How a tall girl
48. Don't__________me as if I were an idiot! a. talk b. show c. turn d. treat
49. In the old days, orphans and homeless people lived and worked in__________ a. workhomes b. workhouses c. warehouses d. workshops
50. Where are you going to__________your summer holiday? a. send b. spend c. stay d. live PART B: READING
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
Solar energy is a long lasting source of energy which can be used almost anywhere. To generate
solar energy, we only need solar cells and the sun! Solar cells can easily be installed on house roofs, so no
new space is needed and each user can quietly generate their own energy. Compared to other renewable

sources, they also possess many advantages: wind and water power relies on turbines which are noisy,
expensive and easy to break down. Solar cells are totally silent and non-polluting. As they have no
moving parts, they require little maintenance and have a long lifetime.
However, solar energy also has some disadvantages. We can only generate solar energy during
daytime because the system depends on sunlight. Besides, solar cells require large are to work effectively.
The main disadvantage of solar energy is that it
costs about twice as much as traditional sources such as coal, oil, and gas. This is because solar cells are
expensive. Scientists are hoping that the costs of solar cells will reduce as more and more people see the
advantages of this environmentally friendly source of energy.
1. What does the passage primarily discuss?
A. Solar energy as an alternative for fossil energy.
B. Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy.
C. Solar energy's advantages over other sources of energy. D. The cost of solar energy.
2. What does the word "they" in line 5 refer to? A. solar cells. B. solar energy users. C. other renewable resources. D. advantages.
3. What is NOT mentioned as an advantage of solar cells? A. They are non-polluting. B. They operate quietly.
C. They require little maintenance. D. They cost little to produce
4. Which of the following is NOT a traditional source of energy? A. oil. B. gas. C. solar energy. D. coal.
5. Which of the following is the main disadvantage of solar energy? A. It is expensive. B. It depends on sunlight.
C. Solar cells require large areas to operate.
D. It is unfriendly to the environment.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
What sort of job should you look (1) __________? Much depends (2) __________your long-term aim.
You need to ask (3) __________ whether you want to specialize in a particular field, work your (4)
__________up to higher levels of responsibility or (5) __________of your current employment into a
broader (6) __________This job will (7) __________studied very carefully when you send your letter of
(8) __________ for your next job. It (9) __________ show evidence of serious career planning. (10)
__________important, it should extend you, develop you and give you increasing.(11) __________
Incidentally, if the travel bug is biting, (12) __________ is the time to pack up and go. You can do
temporary work for a (13) __________; when you return, pick up where you have (14) __________off
and get the second (15) __________. PART C: WRITING
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: Biscuits / make / that factory

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