Test 18 - Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 - Giáo viên Linh Đan

202 101 lượt tải
Lớp: Lớp 6
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Đề thi
File: Word
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ
Số trang: 7 trang


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Tài liệu được cập nhật liên tục trong gói này từ nay đến hết tháng 6/2023. Chúng tôi đảm bảo đủ số lượng đề đã cam kết hoặc có thể nhiều hơn, tất cả có BẢN WORD,  LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT và tải về dễ dàng.

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  • Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 của giáo viên Linh Đan là một tài liệu tham khảo hay , cung cấp thêm cho các em các thủ thuật để rèn luyện nâng cao kỹ năng cũng như giúp các em sắp thi học sinh giỏi các bài tập tham khảo để luyện tập.
  • File word có lời giải chi tiết 100%.
  • Mua trọn bộ sẽ tiết kiệm hơn tải lẻ 50%.

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4.6 / 5(202 )
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Duy Trần
Tài liệu chuẩn

Rất thích tài liệu bên VJ soạn (bám sát chương trình dạy)

Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
1. a. till b. profile c. while d. mile
2. a. assist b. must c. island d. kist
3. a. examine b. kind c. line d. mine
4. a. police b. nice c. twice d. vice
5. a. seat b. sweat c. bread d. dread
6. a. cough b.enough c. though d. tough
7. The person who is in charge on a library is called a librarian.
a. who b. in charge on c. is called d. librarian
8. My brother looks upon gardening like a creation.
a. looks b. upon c. gardening d. like
9. I'm very keen of cycling.
a. very b. keen c. of d. cycling
10. The film was_________interesting that it could satisfy everybody.
a. too b. very c. so d. such
11. It's so nice_________you.
a. to see b. seeing c. saw d. see
12. Great talkers are never great_________
a. doer b. doers c. saw d. see
13. _________we've been having!
a. What a dreadful weather b. What dreadful weather
c. How dreadful weather d. How a dreadful weather
14. She is only an_________pupil. Her papers are neither good nor bad.
a. intelligent b. average c. excellent d. attractive
15. The line you cross to go from one country to another is called the_________
a. frontier b. way c. fence d. line
16. TV _________won't like such a program.
a. watchers b. lookers c. owners d. viewers
17. It's wide and large and it's often lined with trees. It's_________
a. an avenue b. an alley c. a street d. a park
18. He has_________written this letter.
a. him b. himself c. hisself d. his
19. Climb to the top of a hill so that you can admire the_________
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
a. country b. land c. countryside d. place
20. The new members of a class are called the_________
a. new friends b. newcomers c. special friends d. classmates
21. You have to drive very carefully if a road is full of_________
a. angles b. bends c. corners d. hole
22. The newcomers do things differently because they do not know the new_________
a. troubles b. rules c. regulations d. difficulties
23. If you want to put up a tent, you'll have to look for a nice flat piece of_________
a. ground b. oil c. earth d. land
24. Hurry up! Our uncle is coming. His plane will_________in less than an hour.
a. fly b. go c. park d. Land
25. There are quite a few' islands off the west_________of Scotland.
a. shore b. cost c. coast d. beach
26. The air in the city is very dirty. It is_________
a. fresh b. pure c. polluted d. healthy
27. The house_________he was born is open to the public.
a. where b. which c. that d. whom
28. Charles Dickens is_________as one of the greatest names in English literature,
a. told b. known c. spoken d. considered
29. How many people are there in the_________?
a. cosmos b. earth c. world d. universe
30. A _________is a person who lends money to others.
a. debtor b. borrower c. user d. lender
31. An open place in a city, town or village where people like to sit.
It's called_________
a. a square b. a circus c. a place d. a ground
32. At the age of sixty, the man_________and went to the country to live
a. retired b. died c. drew d. gave up
33. He arrived for work_________that the manager sent him home again.
a. too late b. very late c. so late d. much later
34. He works_________a worker in the hotel.
a. as b. such as c. for d. in
35. They sent some books to my sister and_________
a. I b. me c. he d. himself
36. We are_________to help whenever we are asked.
a. exciting b. willing c. boring d. interesting
37. I couldn't help_________at some of his remarks.
a. but laugh b. laugh c. to laugh d. laughing
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
38. She_________herself as an old beggar to enter Tibet.
a. wore b. disguised c. made d. appeared
39. Look up and you will see_________
a. the sky b. eaven c. the heaven d. sky
40. Mrs. Green_________all her life to teaching orphans.
a. devoted b. gave c. compared d. spent
41. It's often made of iron and can lead into a garden. It's_________
a. a port b. a door c. a gate d. a doorway
42. "To_________someone" means "to put someone into prison".
a. keep b. catch c. arrest d. imprison
43. I think Mauritius is my favourite_________on earth.
a. place b. part c. space d. room
44. It hadn't rained for months _________, the leaves became dry and turned red.
a. However b. Moreover c. Besides d. Consequently
45. How long does it take you to_________in the morning?
a. get dressed b. dress up c. dress yourself d. dressed
46. They had eleven children. That was a_________family!
a. crowded b. large c. full d. plentiful
47. Where did they_________their summer holiday?
a. go b. send c. try d. spend
48. We consider Nguyen Hue one of the great_________of our country.
a. fighters b. soldiers c. officers d. heroes
49. Just a minute! I must have a shower and_________before we go out.
a. change b. exchange c. changing d. exchanging
50. A _________ is a man who loves his country, works for it and is willing to fight and die of it.
a. patriot b. peanut-seller c. prisoner d. typist
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
A family portrait is of great value-it is fun to look at now, it's great for relative far away, and it will bring
back memories in the years to come. Families change quickly as children will grow. So, plan to make this
a regular event. Your family album isn't really complete without this record of all of you together.
Getting the whole family together isn't always easy, so a careful plan must be made so that everyone has
time to pose. A relaxed, friendly feeling will make the picture. People can't be expected to relax when
they are in hurry to do something else. Make your plans when you're all together then set a time
convenient for everyone.
A family portrait will take some technical planning too. Make up your mind in advance which room you
will use. Choose your camera position and check the lighting. If you want to be in the picture, make sure
you know exactly how the self-timer on your camera operates. With most cameras you'll have from 8 to
12 seconds to get into the picture after press the button.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
1. Why is a family portrait valuable?
A. It's fun to look at.
B. It reminds people of the past.
C. It brings the family atmosphere to the faraway relatives.
D. All the above answers.
2. Taking the family portrait should be made a regular event because__________
A. Children will go to the college when they grow up
B. There are constant changes in the family
C. The size of the family will increase
D. The family will break up
3. What makes a good picture?
A. People's relaxed feeling. B. People's free time.
C. People's appearance. D. People's clothes.
4. What is the best time to make the plan?
A. When the time is convenient for everyone.
B. When everyone is present.
C. When you're having meals.
D. When you're not busy doing other things
5. What technical planning should you do before taking a family portrait?
A. The camera and lighting.
B. The room and the camera's operation
C. The place, the lighting, the camera position and the camera's operation.
D. The camera position and its self-timer.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
Air pollution (1) _________ make people (2) _________Consequently, (3) _________ countries have
passed (4) _________ to control the quantity of (5) _________in the air. Air pollution (6)
_________particular damage (7) _________ the body by harming the (8) _________The gases from the
(9) _________of cars have also (10) _________ air pollution in most cities. Pollution can also have (11)
_________influence on the earth's (12) _________The ice may (13) _________near the (14)
_________and South Pole, (15) _________in very bad floods.
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: John / tall / teach / picture / wall
John is tall enough to reach the picture on the wall.
1. The man / you / see / uncle.
2. The government has decided / demolish that old building.
3. We / puzzled / the sudden change / Tom's behaviour.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
4. You / to be very careful / you cross / road.
5. She / bite / mad dog.
6. He wish / pass / examination last year.
7. She wishes / go / moon by the end / this year.
8. If/ you/ ate breakfast, you/ will/ not/ feel/ hungry
9. You / not/ school/ yesterday/, / you?
10. Why/ you/ looking/ me?
II. Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings
remain unchanged.
1. She plays tennis well.
She is ________________________________________________
2. People speak English in Australia.
3. They are building a hospital for the poor.
4. No one has been her since 1980.
5. You'll catch a cold if you don't keep your feet dry.
Your favorite hobby
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

I. CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS: 1. a. till b. profile c. while d. mile 2. a. assist b. must c. island d. kist 3. a. examine b. kind c. line d. mine 4. a. police b. nice c. twice d. vice 5. a. seat b. sweat c. bread d. dread 6. a. cough b.enough c. though d. tough
7. The person who is in charge on a library is called a librarian. a. who b. in charge on c. is called d. librarian
8. My brother looks upon gardening like a creation. a. looks b. upon c. gardening d. like 9. I'm very keen of cycling. a. very b. keen c. of d. cycling
10. The film was_________interesting that it could satisfy everybody. a. too b. very c. so d. such 11. It's so nice_________you. a. to see b. seeing c. saw d. see
12. Great talkers are never great_________ a. doer b. doers c. saw d. see
13. _________we've been having!
a. What a dreadful weather b. What dreadful weather c. How dreadful weather d. How a dreadful weather
14. She is only an_________pupil. Her papers are neither good nor bad. a. intelligent b. average c. excellent d. attractive
15. The line you cross to go from one country to another is called the_________ a. frontier b. way c. fence d. line
16. TV _________won't like such a program. a. watchers b. lookers c. owners d. viewers
17. It's wide and large and it's often lined with trees. It's_________ a. an avenue b. an alley c. a street d. a park
18. He has_________written this letter. a. him b. himself c. hisself d. his
19. Climb to the top of a hill so that you can admire the_________

a. country b. land c. countryside d. place
20. The new members of a class are called the_________ a. new friends b. newcomers c. special friends d. classmates
21. You have to drive very carefully if a road is full of_________ a. angles b. bends c. corners d. hole
22. The newcomers do things differently because they do not know the new_________ a. troubles b. rules c. regulations d. difficulties
23. If you want to put up a tent, you'll have to look for a nice flat piece of_________ a. ground b. oil c. earth d. land
24. Hurry up! Our uncle is coming. His plane will_________in less than an hour. a. fly b. go c. park d. Land
25. There are quite a few' islands off the west_________of Scotland. a. shore b. cost c. coast d. beach
26. The air in the city is very dirty. It is_________ a. fresh b. pure c. polluted d. healthy
27. The house_________he was born is open to the public. a. where b. which c. that d. whom
28. Charles Dickens is_________as one of the greatest names in English literature, a. told b. known c. spoken d. considered
29. How many people are there in the_________? a. cosmos b. earth c. world d. universe
30. A _________is a person who lends money to others. a. debtor b. borrower c. user d. lender
31. An open place in a city, town or village where people like to sit. It's called_________ a. a square b. a circus c. a place d. a ground
32. At the age of sixty, the man_________and went to the country to live a. retired b. died c. drew d. gave up
33. He arrived for work_________that the manager sent him home again. a. too late b. very late c. so late d. much later
34. He works_________a worker in the hotel. a. as b. such as c. for d. in
35. They sent some books to my sister and_________ a. I b. me c. he d. himself
36. We are_________to help whenever we are asked. a. exciting b. willing c. boring d. interesting
37. I couldn't help_________at some of his remarks. a. but laugh b. laugh c. to laugh d. laughing

38. She_________herself as an old beggar to enter Tibet. a. wore b. disguised c. made d. appeared
39. Look up and you will see_________ a. the sky b. eaven c. the heaven d. sky
40. Mrs. Green_________all her life to teaching orphans. a. devoted b. gave c. compared d. spent
41. It's often made of iron and can lead into a garden. It's_________ a. a port b. a door c. a gate d. a doorway
42. "To_________someone" means "to put someone into prison". a. keep b. catch c. arrest d. imprison
43. I think Mauritius is my favourite_________on earth. a. place b. part c. space d. room
44. It hadn't rained for months _________, the leaves became dry and turned red. a. However b. Moreover c. Besides d. Consequently
45. How long does it take you to_________in the morning? a. get dressed b. dress up c. dress yourself d. dressed
46. They had eleven children. That was a_________family! a. crowded b. large c. full d. plentiful
47. Where did they_________their summer holiday? a. go b. send c. try d. spend
48. We consider Nguyen Hue one of the great_________of our country. a. fighters b. soldiers c. officers d. heroes
49. Just a minute! I must have a shower and_________before we go out. a. change b. exchange c. changing d. exchanging
50. A _________ is a man who loves his country, works for it and is willing to fight and die of it. a. patriot b. peanut-seller c. prisoner d. typist PART B: READING
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
A family portrait is of great value-it is fun to look at now, it's great for relative far away, and it will bring
back memories in the years to come. Families change quickly as children will grow. So, plan to make this
a regular event. Your family album isn't really complete without this record of all of you together.
Getting the whole family together isn't always easy, so a careful plan must be made so that everyone has
time to pose. A relaxed, friendly feeling will make the picture. People can't be expected to relax when
they are in hurry to do something else. Make your plans when you're all together then set a time convenient for everyone.
A family portrait will take some technical planning too. Make up your mind in advance which room you
will use. Choose your camera position and check the lighting. If you want to be in the picture, make sure
you know exactly how the self-timer on your camera operates. With most cameras you'll have from 8 to
12 seconds to get into the picture after press the button.

1. Why is a family portrait valuable? A. It's fun to look at.
B. It reminds people of the past.
C. It brings the family atmosphere to the faraway relatives. D. All the above answers.
2. Taking the family portrait should be made a regular event because__________
A. Children will go to the college when they grow up
B. There are constant changes in the family
C. The size of the family will increase D. The family will break up 3. What makes a good picture?
A. People's relaxed feeling. B. People's free time. C. People's appearance. D. People's clothes.
4. What is the best time to make the plan?
A. When the time is convenient for everyone. B. When everyone is present. C. When you're having meals.
D. When you're not busy doing other things
5. What technical planning should you do before taking a family portrait? A. The camera and lighting.
B. The room and the camera's operation
C. The place, the lighting, the camera position and the camera's operation.
D. The camera position and its self-timer.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
Air pollution (1) _________ make people (2) _________Consequently, (3) _________ countries have
passed (4) _________ to control the quantity of (5) _________in the air. Air pollution (6)
_________particular damage (7) _________ the body by harming the (8) _________The gases from the
(9) _________of cars have also (10) _________ air pollution in most cities. Pollution can also have (11)
_________influence on the earth's (12) _________The ice may (13) _________near the (14)
_________and South Pole, (15) _________in very bad floods. PART C: WRITING
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: John / tall / teach / picture / wall
John is tall enough to reach the picture on the wall.
1. The man / you / see / uncle.
2. The government has decided / demolish that old building.
3. We / puzzled / the sudden change / Tom's behaviour.

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