Test 21 - Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 - Giáo viên Linh Đan

350 175 lượt tải
Lớp: Lớp 6
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Đề thi
File: Word
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ
Số trang: 7 trang


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  • Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 của giáo viên Linh Đan là một tài liệu tham khảo hay , cung cấp thêm cho các em các thủ thuật để rèn luyện nâng cao kỹ năng cũng như giúp các em sắp thi học sinh giỏi các bài tập tham khảo để luyện tập.
  • File word có lời giải chi tiết 100%.
  • Mua trọn bộ sẽ tiết kiệm hơn tải lẻ 50%.

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4.6 / 5(350 )
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Rất thích tài liệu bên VJ soạn (bám sát chương trình dạy)

Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
1. a. chair b. parent c. hare d. are
2. a. both b. box c. note d. boat
3. a. can b. place c. lane d. name
4. a. hit b. sit c. quite d. quit
5. a. food b. flood c. school d.boot
6. a. steal b. great c. heat d. meal
7. Have Daisy got any larger shirts?
a. Have b. got c. any d. shirts
8. She is wearing a pair of blue jeans. It are old.
a. is wearing b. jeans c. it d. are
9. Try again. Don't give off your work.
a. Try b. Don't c. off d. your
10. Don't make such___________thing.
a. a stupid b. a stupidly c. a stupidity d. stupidness
11. An illness with small, red spots on the skin is___________
a. rickets b. mumps c. yellow fever d. measles
12. ___________don't like to read picture-books.
a. Some childs b. Some of children
c. Some of the children d. Some of the childs
13. He was___________he never washed his clothes by himself.
a. too lazy b. so lazy that c. very lazy that d. such lazy that
14. Their English teacher is as strict as___________
a. our English teacher b. our
c. ours d. us
15. My father has me ___________his clothes.
a. to iron b. irons c. iron d. ironing
16. The old man sat in a corner of the quiet park talking to___________
a. himself b. his c. he d. herself
17. You needn't___________the ending of the story.
a. to tell b. tell c. told d. telling
18. There are___________shop windows along the streets.
a. hundreds b. hundred of c. hundreds of d. hundred
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
19. The computers___________used in class now.
a. have b. are being c. being d. was
20. Daisy is going to have someone___________her skirt.
a. is making b. is made c. to make d. make
21. The city seems___________at night.
a. quietly b. quiet c. be quiet d. to be quiet
22. Does your friend tell you how much___________?
a. her skirt costs b. does her skirt cost
c. her skirt cost d. is her skirt
23. They asked Mr. White___________that offer.
a. to reconsider b. reconsider
c. reconsidering d. be reconsidered
24. His father used to take him to the river for fishing___________he was a child.
a. until b. when c. while d. during
25. This decaying tooth needs___________
a. to pull b. pull c. pulling d. pulled
26. They are___________young___________drive the car.
a. so / that b. too / to
c. enough / to d. not only / but also
27. It's___________long time since he last saw his parents.
a. such a b. so c. very d. too
28. - "Do I have to take that English course?"
- No, you___________
a. haven't b. don't have c. mustn't d. needn't
29. He doesn't need___________ so quickly.
a. to run b. ran c. runs d. running
30. Mary has had her father___________her a thorny problem.
a. solved b. solve c. to solve d. solving
31. Before___________to bed, remember to turn off the lights.
a. to go b. went c. goes d. going
32. Daisy will have her bicycle___________tomorrow.
a. repair b. repaired c. being repaired d. be repaired
33. We prefer music___________film.
a. than b. better than c. to d. better
34. No one can make him___________his plan.
a. change b. changing c. to change d. changes
35. Which of those girls is the___________?
a. pretty b. most pretty c. the prettiest d. prettiest
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
36. In spite of the hot weather, the little boy refused___________off his coat.
a. take b. have take c. to take d. having take
37. She was amazed___________about that.
a. to know b. knowing c. to be known d. know
38. He was on his___________to London.
a. road b. way c. street d. line
39. This is___________beautiful park in the city.
a. the goodest b. more c. the most d. most
40. I like Dalat. What I like___________living here is that it’s fresh, quiet and beautiful.
a. more about b. most about c. more of d. most of
41. The students are happy___________that good news.
a. to hear b. heard c. hears d. hearing
42. They left the house___________saying good-bye to their mother.
a. before b. after c. during d. in
43. Children___________play football in the street.
a. must b. need c. mustn't d. needn't
44. The children would___________go to the fair than to the aquarium.
a. better b. rather c. like d. prefer
45. My grandparents have lived in the countryside___________ 1975.
a. in b. on c. since d. for
46. Would you mind___________this problem for me?
a. solve b. will solve c. to solve d. solving
47. How___________the girl is!
a. beauty b. beautiful c. beautifully d. very beautiful
48. My sister often___________Shakespeare's lines in the essay.
a. writes b. reads c. quotes d. uses
49. They___________to Hanoi three times this year.
a. were b. have been c. went d. have gone
50. The man who is sitting___________my father and your father is their old teacher.
a. in b. among c. at d. between
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
The invention of the phonograph happened quite by accident. Thomas Edison moved to Menlo
Park, New Jersey, in 1876, where he established an industrial research laboratory. There, Edison was
working on a carbon telephone transmitter to improve the existing Bell telephone system.
In that laboratory a year later, Edison invented the phonograph while he was trying to improve a
telegraph repeater. He attached a telephone diaphragm to the needle repeater; in this way, he able to
reproduce a recording that could be played back. After he made some improvements to the machine, he
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
tested it. He recited "Mary Had a Little Lamb" into the machine and played his voice back to a very
surprised audience.
1. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Thomas Edison's Many Inventions.
B. Improvements in the Telephone and Telegraph.
C. The History of Menlo Park.
D. An Accidental Invention.
2. In what year did the invention of phonograph occur?
A. 1876. B. 1877.
C. 1878. D. The article does not say.
3. What was Edison working on when he created the phonograph?
A. A telegraph repeater. B. A telegraph diaphragm.
C. A telephone repeater. D. A telephone diaphragm.
4. According to the passage, how was the phonograph made?
A. With a telephone needle and a recorder.
B. From a recording of a telegraph.
C. With only a telegraph repeater.
D. From a combination of telephone and telegraph parts.
5. According to the passage, how did Edison test his new invention?
A. He made improvements to the machine.
B. He used a carbon transmitter.
C. He read a children's rhyme.
D. He reproduced the audience's voice.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
The word “Sandwich" is a (1)__________word. It is an English (2) __________The word is also used in
many other (3) __________Mr. Sandwich, (4) __________lived in England in the 18th century, liked (5)
__________ cards. He often played all day (6) __________night. One time, he had been playing for 24
hours without (7) __________He did not (8) __________the card table even to eat. His servant (9)
__________him some food. It was bread and meat. He didn't want to stop (10) __________so he put the
meat (11) __________two of the pieces of (12) __________.
In this way he was (13) __________ to continue playing. From the (14) __________of this man,
we have the word (15) "__________" today.
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: tomb/ of / Tutankhamun / discover/ by/ Howard Carter/ 1992.
The tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered by Howard Carter in 1992.
1. Susan/ books/ enjoy/ by/ millions/ people.
2. A lot of/ pollution/ cause/ by/ heavy traffic.
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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
3. Thousands/ new/ homes/ build/ every year.
4. match/ will/ play/ Sunday.
5. Nowadays/ many/ tree/ cut down/ no reason.
6. Jim/ was/ ask/ go/ police station.
7. My bike/ has/ steal
8. Our/ new washing-machine/ is/ deliver/ yesterday
9. bank manager/ is/ kidnap/ today
10. It/ have/ decide/ have/ another meeting/ Wednesday.
II. Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings
remain unchanged.
1. Please wait/ the teacher asked us.
The teacher asked us_______________________________________
2. You were in my dream last night.
I dreamt_______________________________________
3. Carol would like to go to the cinema tonight.
Carol wants_______________________________________
4. Ann wants to go to the park.
Ann fancies_______________________________________
5. Is this pencil yours?
Life in the city
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

I. CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS: 1. a. chair b. parent c. hare d. are 2. a. both b. box c. note d. boat 3. a. can b. place c. lane d. name 4. a. hit b. sit c. quite d. quit 5. a. food b. flood c. school d.boot 6. a. steal b. great c. heat d. meal
7. Have Daisy got any larger shirts? a. Have b. got c. any d. shirts
8. She is wearing a pair of blue jeans. It are old. a. is wearing b. jeans c. it d. are
9. Try again. Don't give off your work. a. Try b. Don't c. off d. your
10. Don't make such___________thing. a. a stupid b. a stupidly c. a stupidity d. stupidness
11. An illness with small, red spots on the skin is___________ a. rickets b. mumps c. yellow fever d. measles
12. ___________don't like to read picture-books. a. Some childs b. Some of children c. Some of the children d. Some of the childs
13. He was___________he never washed his clothes by himself. a. too lazy
b. so lazy that c. very lazy that d. such lazy that
14. Their English teacher is as strict as___________ a. our English teacher b. our c. ours d. us
15. My father has me ___________his clothes. a. to iron b. irons c. iron ‘ d. ironing
16. The old man sat in a corner of the quiet park talking to___________ a. himself b. his c. he d. herself
17. You needn't___________the ending of the story. a. to tell b. tell c. told d. telling
18. There are___________shop windows along the streets. a. hundreds b. hundred of c. hundreds of d. hundred

19. The computers___________used in class now. a. have b. are being c. being d. was
20. Daisy is going to have someone___________her skirt. a. is making b. is made c. to make d. make
21. The city seems___________at night. a. quietly b. quiet c. be quiet d. to be quiet
22. Does your friend tell you how much___________? a. her skirt costs b. does her skirt cost c. her skirt cost d. is her skirt
23. They asked Mr. White___________that offer. a. to reconsider b. reconsider c. reconsidering d. be reconsidered
24. His father used to take him to the river for fishing___________he was a child. a. until b. when c. while d. during
25. This decaying tooth needs___________ a. to pull b. pull c. pulling d. pulled
26. They are___________young___________drive the car. a. so / that b. too / to c. enough / to d. not only / but also
27. It's___________long time since he last saw his parents. a. such a b. so c. very d. too
28. - "Do I have to take that English course?" - No, you___________ a. haven't b. don't have c. mustn't d. needn't
29. He doesn't need___________ so quickly. a. to run b. ran c. runs d. running
30. Mary has had her father___________her a thorny problem. a. solved b. solve c. to solve d. solving
31. Before___________to bed, remember to turn off the lights. a. to go b. went c. goes d. going
32. Daisy will have her bicycle___________tomorrow. a. repair b. repaired c. being repaired d. be repaired
33. We prefer music___________film. a. than b. better than c. to d. better
34. No one can make him___________his plan. a. change b. changing c. to change d. changes
35. Which of those girls is the___________? a. pretty
b. most pretty c. the prettiest d. prettiest

36. In spite of the hot weather, the little boy refused___________off his coat. a. take b. have take c. to take d. having take
37. She was amazed___________about that. a. to know b. knowing c. to be known d. know
38. He was on his___________to London. a. road b. way c. street d. line
39. This is___________beautiful park in the city. a. the goodest b. more c. the most d. most
40. I like Dalat. What I like___________living here is that it’s fresh, quiet and beautiful.
a. more about b. most about c. more of d. most of
41. The students are happy___________that good news. a. to hear b. heard c. hears d. hearing
42. They left the house___________saying good-bye to their mother. a. before b. after c. during d. in
43. Children___________play football in the street. a. must b. need c. mustn't d. needn't
44. The children would___________go to the fair than to the aquarium. a. better b. rather c. like d. prefer
45. My grandparents have lived in the countryside___________ 1975. a. in b. on c. since d. for
46. Would you mind___________this problem for me? a. solve b. will solve c. to solve d. solving 47. How___________the girl is! a. beauty b. beautiful
c. beautifully d. very beautiful
48. My sister often___________Shakespeare's lines in the essay. a. writes b. reads c. quotes d. uses
49. They___________to Hanoi three times this year. a. were b. have been c. went d. have gone
50. The man who is sitting___________my father and your father is their old teacher. a. in b. among c. at d. between PART B: READING
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
The invention of the phonograph happened quite by accident. Thomas Edison moved to Menlo
Park, New Jersey, in 1876, where he established an industrial research laboratory. There, Edison was
working on a carbon telephone transmitter to improve the existing Bell telephone system.
In that laboratory a year later, Edison invented the phonograph while he was trying to improve a
telegraph repeater. He attached a telephone diaphragm to the needle repeater; in this way, he able to
reproduce a recording that could be played back. After he made some improvements to the machine, he

tested it. He recited "Mary Had a Little Lamb" into the machine and played his voice back to a very surprised audience.
1. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Thomas Edison's Many Inventions.
B. Improvements in the Telephone and Telegraph. C. The History of Menlo Park. D. An Accidental Invention.
2. In what year did the invention of phonograph occur? A. 1876. B. 1877. C. 1878. D. The article does not say.
3. What was Edison working on when he created the phonograph? A. A telegraph repeater. B. A telegraph diaphragm. C. A telephone repeater. D. A telephone diaphragm.
4. According to the passage, how was the phonograph made?
A. With a telephone needle and a recorder.
B. From a recording of a telegraph.
C. With only a telegraph repeater.
D. From a combination of telephone and telegraph parts.
5. According to the passage, how did Edison test his new invention?
A. He made improvements to the machine.
B. He used a carbon transmitter. C. He read a children's rhyme.
D. He reproduced the audience's voice.
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
The word “Sandwich" is a (1)__________word. It is an English (2) __________The word is also used in
many other (3) __________Mr. Sandwich, (4) __________lived in England in the 18th century, liked (5)
__________ cards. He often played all day (6) __________night. One time, he had been playing for 24
hours without (7) __________He did not (8) __________the card table even to eat. His servant (9)
__________him some food. It was bread and meat. He didn't want to stop (10) __________so he put the
meat (11) __________two of the pieces of (12) __________.
In this way he was (13) __________ to continue playing. From the (14) __________of this man,
we have the word (15) "__________" today. PART C: WRITING
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: tomb/ of / Tutankhamun / discover/ by/ Howard Carter/ 1992.
The tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered by Howard Carter in 1992.
1. Susan/ books/ enjoy/ by/ millions/ people.
2. A lot of/ pollution/ cause/ by/ heavy traffic.

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