Test 23 - Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 - Giáo viên Linh Đan

290 145 lượt tải
Lớp: Lớp 6
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Đề thi
File: Word
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ
Số trang: 8 trang


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Tài liệu được cập nhật liên tục trong gói này từ nay đến hết tháng 6/2023. Chúng tôi đảm bảo đủ số lượng đề đã cam kết hoặc có thể nhiều hơn, tất cả có BẢN WORD,  LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT và tải về dễ dàng.

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  • Bộ đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh toàn diện lớp 6 của giáo viên Linh Đan là một tài liệu tham khảo hay , cung cấp thêm cho các em các thủ thuật để rèn luyện nâng cao kỹ năng cũng như giúp các em sắp thi học sinh giỏi các bài tập tham khảo để luyện tập.
  • File word có lời giải chi tiết 100%.
  • Mua trọn bộ sẽ tiết kiệm hơn tải lẻ 50%.

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4.6 / 5(290 )
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Rất thích tài liệu bên VJ soạn (bám sát chương trình dạy)

Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
1. a. dear b.tear c. bear d. near
2. a. lower b. coat c. note d. bottle
3. a. bare b. car c. star d. farm
4. a. high b. fine c. lit d. nine
5. a. barn b. park c. farm d. warm
6. a. both b. pot c. cotton d. bottle
7. There is twenty four hours in a day.
a. is b. twenty four c. hours d. in
8. Whose the hat is this? - It’s Mary's.
a. Whose b. the c. this d. Mary's
9. Uncle Ho's birthday is in 19th of May.
a. Uncle Ho's b. is c. in d. of
10. __________this aspirin, and you'll feel better.
a. Have b. Eat c. Take d. Drink
11. School children learn how to make and repaữ things in the school__________
a. library b. canteen c. workshop d. class
12. -__________we go to the tailor's?
- Yes, let's.
a. Shall b. Will c. Do d. Would
13. They would__________consider him their son.
a. not rather b. rather not c. doesn't rather d. not
14. If you don't understand what__________ please ask him after class,
a. your teacher explain b. does your teacher explain
c. your teacher explains d. your teacher will explain
15. The clowns in the circus made us__________a lot.
a. to laugh b. laughed c. laugh d. laughing
16. He can't cook well, and I can't, __________
a. too b. either c. neither d. so
17. We don't take the umbrella. We wish we __________
a. take b. can take c. took d. could
18. Mr. Dick likes watching football but his wife__________
a. doesn't b. doesn't like c. does like d. don’t
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
19. The Pyramids__________ by the ancient Egyptians.
a. was built b. were being built
c. had built d. were built
20. Have orange juice, __________?
a. will you b. do you c. do we d. would you
21. You__________not read those magazines.
a. like b. prefer c. rather d. had better
22. I think he will help you doing your homework__________?
a. doesn't he b. won't he c. don't I d. do I
23. She is afraid of__________
a. watching horror films. b. to ride in busy streets.
c. climbing up trees. d. a and c are correct
24. They like Mathematics better__________
a. than English b. to English c. for English d. in English
25. The match brought excitement to thousands of TV__________too.
a. watchers b. travelers c. viewers d. crowds
26. Measles sometimes__________a serious disease.
a. is b. are c. were d. was
27. A film is__________
a. more shorter than a play b. more interesting than a play
c. most funnier than a play d. weller than a play
28. I'm tired__________such repeating work.
a. to do b. by doing c. of doing d. with doing
29. __________help us see and hear things happening on the other side of the earth.
a. Satellites b. Stars c. Flights d. Events
30. You don't want another cake, __________?
a. do you b. isn't it c. will you d. don't you
31. I did__________
a. me best to win for our class b. my best to winning for our class
c. his best to win for our class d. my best to win for our class
32. You don't need to start__________
a. neither b. yet c. too d. so
33. She has seen__________
a. many tables made of wood
b. many knives made from steel
c. many cakes made of flour, eggs, butter, sugar
d. many cars made from Japan
34. Paul spends much time__________games every day.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
a. to play b. play c. playing d. plays
35. Peter is not old enough__________there.
a. working b. work c. to work d. to be work
36. Don't drink so much beer. It's harmful__________your stomach.
a. on b. to c. for d. of
37. My sister has complained about her teeth__________
a. for last week b. for several days
c. since next week d. in several days
38. She's not sure where she may go for summer holidays__________the end, she decides to stay at
a. At b. In c. On d. Into
39. Must the decaying tooth come out?
a. Yes, it must b. No, it mustn't
c. No, it needn't d. a and c are correct
40. My uncle will go to Ho Chi Minh city__________the end of this month.
a. onto b. in c. on d. at
41. Do you enjoy __________ a computer?
a. use b. to use c. using d. being use
42. Let's go to the beach for Summer holiday, __________ ?
a. shall we b. don't we c. will we d. do we
43. The young man__________ a phone call.
a. made b. did c. bought d. held
44. He often goes__________every morning.
a. swimmer b. swim c. go swimming d. swimming
45. Jack and his friends are talking to __________
a. everybody b. both c. one another d. everyday
46. Because they don't have enough money to buy a bigger house, they must make up
a. minds to staying b. minds to stay
c. mind staying d. mind to stay
47. She has a__________bill.
a. fifty-cents b. fifty-cent c. fifty cent d. fifties cent
48. That doll is made of__________
a. cloth b. clothes c. clothe d. clothing
49. I met his wife __________a party.
a. on b. by c. at d. in
50. Daisy has been a teacher __________, three years.
a. for b. since c. in d. about
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
Independence Day in the United States is observed annually on the Fourth of July. For most communities
throughout the nation, the traditional celebration includes parades down the main streets, picnics with hot
dogs and lemonade, and, of course, a fireworks display at night. In some towns across the country,
however, special events are planned in honor of the occasion. In Bristol, Rhode Island, fire engine teams
from communities throughout New England compete in a contest to squirt water from their fire hoses.
Flagstaff, Arizona hosts a huge three-day powwow, including a rodeo for twenty Native American tribes.
The annual Eskimo games with traditional kayak races are held in Kotzebue, Alaske. Two auto races are
always scheduled for the Fourth, including a four-hundred-mile stock car event at the Daytona
International speedway in Daytona, Florida, and an annual auto race up the fourteen-thousand-foot
precipice at Pike's Peak in Colorado.
Several small towns celebrate in other unique ways. Hannibal, Missouri, the hometown of Mark, Twain,
invited the children to participate in a fence-painting contest, re-enacting a scene from Twain's novel Tom
Sawyer. Lititz, Pennsylvania congregates in the Limits Springs park to light thousands of candles and
arrange them in various shapes and images.
1. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?
A. Traditional celebrations for the Fourth of July.
B. Holidays in the United States.
C. The origin of the Independence Day.
D. Small towns in America.
2. The author mentions all of the following as ways the Fourth of July is celebrated except__________
A. parades B. races C. dances D. fireworks
3. The underlined word huge in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by__________
A. exciting B. amusing C. complicated D. large
4. The underlined word them in paragraph 3 refers to__________
A. shapes B. candles C. children D. images
5. It can be inferred from the passage that__________
A. The fourth of july is celebrated in canada as well as in the united states
B. Towns in the united states celebrate july fourth in different ways because of their regional customs
C. Although fireworks are not legal, they are displayed on the fourth of july
D. The fourth of july is not celebrated in large in the united states
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
Helen teaches mathematics (1) __________ a university. She enjoys her (2) __________and research
very much and she also gets on (3) __________ with her supervisor and colleagues. She always (4)
__________very self-confident and proud when she is standing (5) __________the teaching platform.
Some of her ex-classmates (6) __________just offered her chance to (7) __________them in a new
company to (8) __________computer software for businesses. They have had no trouble getting (9)
__________ from the bank to start to business.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
Everyone thinks that it will (10) __________ very well. Of course, the (11) __________of money the
partners (12) __________will depend on (13) __________the business does. Helen will probably earn
more money than she (14) __________at the university.
The new company is exciting, and the money may be very good indeed (15) __________, Helen can
hardly quit her teaching job! She loves it.
I. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences.
Example: She/ worked/ hard/ order/ become/ good teacher / English.
She worked hard in order to become a good teacher of English.
1. I/ so/ tired/ that/ went/ sleep/ immediately.
2. man/ not/ wake up/ until/ rain/ wetted/ bed.
3. He/ missed/ train/ because/ he/ not/ hurry
4. He/ failed/ win/ race/ although/ ran/ fast.
5. Fortune-tellers/ always/ tell/ truth/ because/ they/ speak/ general terms.
6. If/ they/ say/ you/ go/ journey / or/ meet/ friend, they/ be/ right/ because/ we/ often/ do/ things.
7. village well/ which/ be/ said/ to be cursed/ was/ buy/ by/ man.
8. Tourists/ came/ see/ it/ though/ there/ be/ not even/ any water/ it.
9. Before/ tourists/ could/ look/ the well, they/ have/ to/ throw/ coin/
10. My family/ was/ eat/ dinner/ when/ Lan/ come
II. Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings
remain unchanged.
1. My grandmother is very old. She can't work now.
My grandmother is too______________________________________
2. The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was rough.
The sea was too______________________________________
3. The question was so difficult that no one could answer it.
It was such______________________________________
4. They will hold an international conference in Hanoi next month.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

I. CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS: 1. a. dear b.tear c. bear d. near 2. a. lower b. coat c. note d. bottle 3. a. bare b. car c. star d. farm 4. a. high b. fine c. lit d. nine 5. a. barn b. park c. farm d. warm 6. a. both b. pot c. cotton d. bottle
7. There is twenty four hours in a day. a. is b. twenty four c. hours d. in
8. Whose the hat is this? - It’s Mary's. a. Whose b. the c. this d. Mary's
9. Uncle Ho's birthday is in 19th of May. a. Uncle Ho's b. is c. in d. of
10. __________this aspirin, and you'll feel better. a. Have b. Eat c. Take d. Drink
11. School children learn how to make and repaữ things in the school__________ a. library b. canteen c. workshop d. class
12. -__________we go to the tailor's? - Yes, let's. a. Shall b. Will c. Do d. Would
13. They would__________consider him their son. a. not rather b. rather not c. doesn't rather d. not
14. If you don't understand what__________ please ask him after class, a. your teacher explain b. does your teacher explain c. your teacher explains d. your teacher will explain
15. The clowns in the circus made us__________a lot. a. to laugh b. laughed c. laugh d. laughing
16. He can't cook well, and I can't, __________ a. too b. either c. neither d. so
17. We don't take the umbrella. We wish we __________ a. take b. can take c. took d. could
18. Mr. Dick likes watching football but his wife__________ a. doesn't b. doesn't like c. does like d. don’t

19. The Pyramids__________ by the ancient Egyptians. a. was built b. were being built c. had built d. were built
20. Have orange juice, __________? a. will you b. do you c. do we d. would you
21. You__________not read those magazines. a. like b. prefer c. rather d. had better
22. I think he will help you doing your homework__________? a. doesn't he b. won't he c. don't I d. do I 23. She is afraid of__________ a. watching horror films. b. to ride in busy streets. c. climbing up trees. d. a and c are correct
24. They like Mathematics better__________ a. than English
b. to English c. for English d. in English
25. The match brought excitement to thousands of TV__________too. a. watchers b. travelers c. viewers d. crowds
26. Measles sometimes__________a serious disease. a. is b. are c. were d. was 27. A film is__________ a. more shorter than a play
b. more interesting than a play c. most funnier than a play d. weller than a play
28. I'm tired__________such repeating work. a. to do b. by doing c. of doing d. with doing
29. __________help us see and hear things happening on the other side of the earth. a. Satellites b. Stars c. Flights d. Events
30. You don't want another cake, __________? a. do you b. isn't it c. will you d. don't you 31. I did__________
a. me best to win for our class
b. my best to winning for our class
c. his best to win for our class
d. my best to win for our class
32. You don't need to start__________ a. neither b. yet c. too d. so 33. She has seen__________ a. many tables made of wood b. many knives made from steel
c. many cakes made of flour, eggs, butter, sugar d. many cars made from Japan
34. Paul spends much time__________games every day.

a. to play b. play c. playing d. plays
35. Peter is not old enough__________there. a. working b. work c. to work d. to be work
36. Don't drink so much beer. It's harmful__________your stomach. a. on b. to c. for d. of
37. My sister has complained about her teeth__________ a. for last week b. for several days c. since next week d. in several days
38. She's not sure where she may go for summer holidays__________the end, she decides to stay at home. a. At b. In c. On d. Into
39. Must the decaying tooth come out? a. Yes, it must b. No, it mustn't c. No, it needn't d. a and c are correct
40. My uncle will go to Ho Chi Minh city__________the end of this month. a. onto b. in c. on d. at
41. Do you enjoy __________ a computer? a. use b. to use c. using d. being use
42. Let's go to the beach for Summer holiday, __________ ? a. shall we b. don't we c. will we d. do we
43. The young man__________ a phone call. a. made b. did c. bought d. held
44. He often goes__________every morning. a. swimmer b. swim c. go swimming d. swimming
45. Jack and his friends are talking to __________ a. everybody b. both c. one another d. everyday
46. Because they don't have enough money to buy a bigger house, they must make up their__________here. a. minds to staying b. minds to stay c. mind staying d. mind to stay 47. She has a__________bill. a. fifty-cents b. fifty-cent c. fifty cent d. fifties cent
48. That doll is made of__________ a. cloth b. clothes c. clothe d. clothing
49. I met his wife __________a party. a. on b. by c. at d. in
50. Daisy has been a teacher __________, three years. a. for b. since c. in d. about

I. Read the passage and do the task that follows.
Independence Day in the United States is observed annually on the Fourth of July. For most communities
throughout the nation, the traditional celebration includes parades down the main streets, picnics with hot
dogs and lemonade, and, of course, a fireworks display at night. In some towns across the country,
however, special events are planned in honor of the occasion. In Bristol, Rhode Island, fire engine teams
from communities throughout New England compete in a contest to squirt water from their fire hoses.
Flagstaff, Arizona hosts a huge three-day powwow, including a rodeo for twenty Native American tribes.
The annual Eskimo games with traditional kayak races are held in Kotzebue, Alaske. Two auto races are
always scheduled for the Fourth, including a four-hundred-mile stock car event at the Daytona
International speedway in Daytona, Florida, and an annual auto race up the fourteen-thousand-foot
precipice at Pike's Peak in Colorado.
Several small towns celebrate in other unique ways. Hannibal, Missouri, the hometown of Mark, Twain,
invited the children to participate in a fence-painting contest, re-enacting a scene from Twain's novel Tom
Sawyer. Lititz, Pennsylvania congregates in the Limits Springs park to light thousands of candles and
arrange them in various shapes and images.
1. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?
A. Traditional celebrations for the Fourth of July.
B. Holidays in the United States.
C. The origin of the Independence Day. D. Small towns in America.
2. The author mentions all of the following as ways the Fourth of July is celebrated except__________ A. parades B. races C. dances D. fireworks
3. The underlined word huge in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by__________ A. exciting B. amusing C. complicated D. large
4. The underlined word them in paragraph 3 refers to__________ A. shapes B. candles C. children D. images
5. It can be inferred from the passage that__________
A. The fourth of july is celebrated in canada as well as in the united states
B. Towns in the united states celebrate july fourth in different ways because of their regional customs
C. Although fireworks are not legal, they are displayed on the fourth of july
D. The fourth of july is not celebrated in large in the united states
II. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.
Helen teaches mathematics (1) __________ a university. She enjoys her (2) __________and research
very much and she also gets on (3) __________ with her supervisor and colleagues. She always (4)
__________very self-confident and proud when she is standing (5) __________the teaching platform.
Some of her ex-classmates (6) __________just offered her chance to (7) __________them in a new
company to (8) __________computer software for businesses. They have had no trouble getting (9)
__________ from the bank to start to business.

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