Giáo án Unit 1 Tiếng anh 3 family and friends

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Lớp: Lớp 3
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Giáo án
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ


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Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
Week: ……
Period: ……
Date of teaching: …………………
TEXTBOOK: Tiếng Anh 3 Family and Friends - National Edition
Lesson One - Words / Part 1 (page 10)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Core competences
- Identify common toys.
- Understand a short story.
2. General competences
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs/groups to talk about their toys.
- Problem-solving and creativity: find out their toy likes.
3. Attributes
- Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Diligence: work hard to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions or play fair in games.
- Responsibility: appreciate kindness.
- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.
1. Vocabulary
- Vocabulary: doll, ball, teddy bear, car.
- Extra vocabulary: bag.
2. Skills: Listening, Speaking and Reading.
- Student book - page 10
- Audio tracks 12-14
- Flashcards 01-02, 18-21
- A bag (students’ items can be used)
- Teacher’s Guide
- Website
- Computer, projector, ….
*Culture note: Toys
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
- Raise students’ awareness of loving toys.
- Be kind to people.
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM-UP/REVIEW (5 minutes)
Aim: To motivate students and help students to remember the commands.
*Game: “Simon says...”
- Ask the students to stand at their
desks. Explain that you are going to
give instructions. If the instruction
begins with the words Simon says…
students must do as you say. If not,
they must stand still and wait for the
next instruction. Any student who
gets this wrong is out of the game
and sits down.
- Model the activity, e.g. Simon says
stand up. Simon says open your
book. Intermittently, introduce an
instruction that doesn’t start with
Simon says and see if any students
follow the instruction.
- Continue the game until there is one
winner or a group of winners, if you
- Call some volunteers to say the
- Praise the winner.
Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence:
Students can remember the
command correctly.
- Task completed: Students can
remember the command.
- Task uncompleted: Students are
unable to remember the command.
- Stand at their desks. Listen to the
teacher’s instructions.
- Follow the teacher.
- Play the game.
- Say the commands.
PRESENTATION (10 minutes)
Aim: To help students identify common toys and pronounce the words correctly.
*Lead-in: Use Flashcards 1-2 to review
the two characters and Flashcards 18-21
to present the vocabulary.
- Review the characters Rosy and Tim
using flashcards 1-2.
- Hold up the toy flashcards and ask
What’s this?
- Give the flashcards to different
students. Ask one to stand and show
the card for the class to shout the
word. Repeat.
- Divide the class into small groups.
Give each group a set of student
- Say the names of the characters Rosy
and Tim.
- Answer the question.
- Stand and show the card for the class
to shout the word. Repeat.
- Work in groups. Hold the set of
picture cards. Shuffles their cards
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
picture cards. Each group shuffles
their cards and places them in a pile
face down on the desk.
- Have students take turns to turn over
cards one at a time.
- As each card is shown, students say
what it is, e.g. teddy bear.
- The student who says the word first
wins the card.
- The winner is the student with the
most cards at the end.
- Praise the winner.
Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence:
Students can say the words
correctly and fluently.
- Task completed: Students can say
the words.
- Task uncompleted: Students are
unable to say the words.
*Listen and point. Repeat. (Track 12)
- Point to the pictures. Say the words
and let the students repeat.
- Play the recording. The students
point to the correct words.
- Ask students to repeat each word
after they hear it.
- Call some students to read the words
- Check students’ pronunciation.
Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence:
Students can point and say the words
correctly and fluently.
- Task completed: Students can point
and say the words.
- Task uncompleted: Students are
unable to point and say the words.
and places them in a pile face down
on the desk.
- Take turns to turn over cards one at a
- Say what it is, e.g. teddy bear.
- The student who says the word first
wins the card.
- The winner is the student with the
most cards at the end.
- Repeat the words.
- Listen to the recording. Point to the
correct words.
- Repeat each word after they hear it.
- Read the words aloud.
PRACTICE (8 minutes)
Aim: To help students remember common toys and improve students’ pronunciation skills.
*Listen and chant. (Track 13)
- Play the recording for students to
listen to the chant.
- Play the chant a second time for
students to say the words. This time
they can point to the correct
flashcards when they hear the words.
- Repeat (more than once if
- Call two groups to the front of the
class to chant and do the actions. The
rest of the class claps along to the
- Listen to the chant.
- Listen to the chant again to say the
words. Point to the correct flashcards
when they hear the words.
- Chant and do the actions in two
groups. The rest of the class claps
along to the rhythm of the chant.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
rhythm of the chant.
- Praise students if they have done
Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence:
Students can say the chant correctly
and fluently.
- Task completed: Students can say
the chant.
- Task uncompleted: Students are
unable to say the chant.
PRODUCTION (10 minutes)
Aim: To help students remember food vocabulary and improve students’ integrated skills.
*Game: “Mysterious bag”
- Prepare some real toys (E.g. doll,
ball, teddy bear, car) and a real bag.
Ask students to say the names of the
- Put the toys into a bag.
- Explain how the game is played.
- Call each student to put his/her hand
in the bag and try to identify the toys
by feeling them.
- Encourage students to say the name
of the toys.
- The student name the correct toy is
the winner.
- Praise the winner.
Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence:
Students can remember common
toys correctly.
- Task completed: Students can
remember common toys.
- Task uncompleted: Students are
unable to remember common toys.
- Say the names of the toys.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Put his/her hand in the bag and try to
identify the toys by feeling them.
- Say the name of the toys.
- The student name the correct toy is
the winner.
HOMEWORK (2 minutes)
- Learn new words by heart.
- Do the exercises in Workbook page 10.
- Prepare for the next lesson (Unit 1 - Lesson 1/Part 2).
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

LESSON PLAN Week: …… Period: ……
Date of teaching: …………………

TEXTBOOK: Tiếng Anh 3 Family and Friends - National Edition
Lesson One - Words / Part 1 (page 10) A. DESIRED OBJECTIVES
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Core competences - Identify common toys. - Understand a short story. 2. General competences -
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs/groups to talk about their toys. -
Problem-solving and creativity: find out their toy likes. 3. Attributes -
Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks. -
Diligence: work hard to complete learning tasks. -
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions or play fair in games. -
Responsibility: appreciate kindness. -
Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.
Vocabulary: doll, ball, teddy bear, car. - Extra vocabulary: bag.
2. Skills: Listening, Speaking and Reading.
C. RESOURCES AND MATERIALS - Student book - page 10 - Audio tracks 12-14 - Flashcards 01-02, 18-21 -
A bag (students’ items can be used) - Teacher’s Guide - Website - Computer, projector, …. *Culture note: Toys

Raise students’ awareness of loving toys. - Be kind to people. D. LEARNING EXPERIENCES Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM-UP/REVIEW (5 minutes)
Aim: To motivate students and help students to remember the commands.
*Game: “Simon says...” -
Ask the students to stand at their -
Stand at their desks. Listen to the
desks. Explain that you are going to teacher’s instructions.
give instructions. If the instruction
begins with the words Simon says…
students must do as you say. If not,
they must stand still and wait for the
next instruction. Any student who
gets this wrong is out of the game and sits down. -
Model the activity, e.g. Simon says - Follow the teacher.
stand up. Simon says open your
Intermittently, introduce an
instruction that doesn’t start with
Simon says and see if any students follow the instruction. -
Continue the game until there is one - Play the game.
winner or a group of winners, if you prefer. -
Call some volunteers to say the - Say the commands. commands. - Praise the winner.
Expected outcomes and assessment -
Task completed with excellence: Students can remember the command correctly. -
Task completed: Students can remember the command. -
Task uncompleted: Students are
unable to remember the command.
PRESENTATION (10 minutes)
Aim: To help students identify common toys and pronounce the words correctly.
*Lead-in: Use Flashcards 1-2 to review
the two characters and Flashcards 18-21
to present the vocabulary.
Review the characters Rosy and Tim -
Say the names of the characters Rosy using flashcards 1-2. and Tim. -
Hold up the toy flashcards and ask - Answer the question. What’s this? -
Give the flashcards to different -
Stand and show the card for the class
students. Ask one to stand and show to shout the word. Repeat.
the card for the class to shout the word. Repeat. -
Divide the class into small groups. -
Work in groups. Hold the set of
Give each group a set of student
picture cards. Shuffles their cards

picture cards. Each group shuffles
and places them in a pile face down
their cards and places them in a pile on the desk. face down on the desk. -
Have students take turns to turn over cards one at a time. -
Take turns to turn over cards one at a -
As each card is shown, students say time.
what it is, e.g. teddy bear. -
Say what it is, e.g. teddy bear. -
The student who says the word first wins the card. -
The student who says the word first -
The winner is the student with the wins the card. most cards at the end. -
The winner is the student with the - Praise the winner. most cards at the end.
Expected outcomes and assessment -
Task completed with excellence: Students can say the words correctly and fluently. -
Task completed: Students can say the words. -
Task uncompleted: Students are unable to say the words.
*Listen and point. Repeat. (Track 12) -
Point to the pictures. Say the words and let the students repeat. - Repeat the words. -
Play the recording. The students point to the correct words. -
Listen to the recording. Point to the -
Ask students to repeat each word correct words. after they hear it. -
Repeat each word after they hear it. -
Call some students to read the words aloud. - Read the words aloud. -
Check students’ pronunciation.
Expected outcomes and assessment -
Task completed with excellence:
Students can point and say the words correctly and fluently. -
Task completed: Students can point and say the words. -
Task uncompleted: Students are
unable to point and say the words. PRACTICE (8 minutes)
Aim: To help students remember common toys and improve students’ pronunciation skills.
*Listen and chant. (Track 13) -
Play the recording for students to - Listen to the chant. listen to the chant. -
Play the chant a second time for -
Listen to the chant again to say the
students to say the words. This time
words. Point to the correct flashcards they can point to the correct when they hear the words.
flashcards when they hear the words. - Repeat (more than once if necessary). -
Chant and do the actions in two -
Call two groups to the front of the
groups. The rest of the class claps
class to chant and do the actions. The
along to the rhythm of the chant.
rest of the class claps along to the

rhythm of the chant. -
Praise students if they have done well.
Expected outcomes and assessment -
Task completed with excellence:
Students can say the chant correctly and fluently. -
Task completed: Students can say the chant. -
Task uncompleted: Students are unable to say the chant. PRODUCTION (10 minutes)
Aim: To help students remember food vocabulary and improve students’ integrated skills.
*Game: “Mysterious bag” -
Prepare some real toys (E.g. doll, - Say the names of the toys.
ball, teddy bear, car) and a real bag.
Ask students to say the names of the toys. - Put the toys into a bag. - Listen to the teacher. -
Explain how the game is played. -
Put his/her hand in the bag and try to -
Call each student to put his/her hand
identify the toys by feeling them.
in the bag and try to identify the toys by feeling them. - Say the name of the toys. -
Encourage students to say the name of the toys. -
The student name the correct toy is -
The student name the correct toy is the winner. the winner. - Praise the winner.
Expected outcomes and assessment -
Task completed with excellence:
Students can remember common toys correctly. -
Task completed: Students can remember common toys. -
Task uncompleted: Students are
unable to remember common toys. HOMEWORK (2 minutes) - Learn new words by heart. -
Do the exercises in Workbook page 10. -
Prepare for the next lesson (Unit 1 - Lesson 1/Part 2). REFLECTION

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