Lớp: Lớp 3
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Giáo án
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Loại: Tài liệu lẻ
Số trang: 30 trang


Liên hệ ngay Hotline hỗ trợ: 084 283 45 85

Bộ giáo án Tiếng anh 3 Global success được cập nhật liên tục trong gói này từ nay đến hết tháng 6/2023.

Để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút Tải Xuống ở trên!

  • Bộ giáo án Tiếng anh 3 Global success năm 2023 mới, chuẩn nhất được thiết kế theo phong cách hiện đại, đẹp mắt, trình bày chi tiết cho từng bài học và bám sát chương trình sách giáo khoa Tiếng anh 3 Global success.

  • Mua trọn bộ sẽ tiết kiệm hơn tải lẻ 50%.

Đánh giá

4.6 / 5(674 )
Trọng Bình
Tài liệu hay

Giúp ích cho tôi rất nhiều

Duy Trần
Tài liệu chuẩn

Rất thích tài liệu bên VJ soạn (bám sát chương trình dạy)

Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
School: 
Grade: 
Date of
Lesson 1 – Period 1
Language 
- 
- 
-        
- / 
!    " # $ % & '
 (        
- 0    
!    " # $
Attributes 8.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
6 5)<.=>
6 ?@ABA=
6 @).<.CD=CDACDE
6 !
6 &,CE-
- /F
Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point
and say – Let’s talk – Fun corner and wrap-up
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up and review: E
Option 1: 5..CA1B%
6 ?..%
6 H*  
Option 2/*,CA1
6 ?
6 G*.%
Option 3Game: Happy Flowers
6 9*B%
6 0    I  .  
6 :*       .
6 
6 <       
6 @   .     
Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. D
%G @        
* + ,- .  (.
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
< 
 * + ,-   (.
Step 1::*< a b 
Step 2: ?< a. <
.    % <  .
.       
 %     
< b. /   
Step 3: <  . .   
Step 4: H*       
Step 5: 9     4
!    "
  
!   
"  
' 
% @   
    .  .
Activity 2. Listen, point and say. K
%G @
%H – Picture cues:
– Speech bubbles:!"#$%&
Audio script:
Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
<       
!  
Step 1: :*
Step 2: :*< a
      
%:*  
Step 3: << a *
    .
,!  
Step 4::*..
!    " $
Step 5:H*
Game: Slap the board.
6 9*%
6 5*%
6 @     
   &  .  
Activity 3. Let’s talk. D
%G @
%H #<?.
. *.%@ 
<     
!   
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Step 1: 9)%?
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Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85
Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết (có lời giải)
Step 2: 0  .    
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Step 3: <.
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Preparation for the project:
<       
Fun corner and wrap-up: E
Option 1
        
Option 2: Game: Sentence Puzzle
6 9*.%
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Option 3: Game: Happy Flowers 2
6 9*B%
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Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng xin liên hệ hotline: 084 283 45 85

Mô tả nội dung:

School: ____________________ Grade: ____________________ Teacher: ____________________ Date of ____________________ teaching: ____________________ Attendance:
Unit 15: AT THE DINING TABLE Lesson 1 – Period 1 I. OBJECTIVE S Language
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: -
Use the words bean, fish, meat, juice in relation to the topic “Food and drinks”; -
Use Would you like some _____? – Yes, please. / No, thanks. to offer
someone food or drinks and accept or decline someone’s offer. -
Understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two
communicative contexts (pictures) focusing on offering someone
food or drinks and accepting or declining someone’s offer. -
Correctly use Would you like some _____? – Yes, please. / No,
thanks. to offer someone food or drinks and accept or decline someone’s offer. -
Enhance the correct use of Would you like some _____? – Yes,
please. / No, thanks. to offer someone food or drinks and accept or decline someone’s offer. Core
decision making, teamwork, work standards, reliability, motivation competenci es General
Listening: listen and recognize the contexts, then repeat
competenci Critical thinking: talk about food and drinks es
Oral communication: speak about food and drinks, ask and answer the questions
Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups
Sociability: talk to each other, say good words to others Attributes
Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
Responsibility: appreciate kindness

Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills
II. RESOURCES AND MATERIAL: - Student’s book Page 30 - Audio Tracks 42, 43
- Teacher’s guide Pages 183, 184, 185 - Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 15)
- Computer, projector… III.
Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point PROCEDUR
and say – Let’s talk – Fun corner and wrap-up E Procedur Pupils’ Note Teacher’s activities e activities
Warm-up and review: 5 minutes Greet the class.
Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 14, Lesson 2. Whole - Ask pupils to sing the song. class
- Invite some of them to come to the board to
role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.
Option 2: Chant and do activities (Unit 14, Lesson 3). Group
- Ask pupils to chant and do the actions in Unit work 14, Lesson 3 in groups.
- Give points and encourage them.
Option 3: Game: Happy Flowers
- Divide the class into 2 teams.
- Each team chooses one flower to go to the Individual question. work/
- Have pupils look, read and choose the right Group option. work
- Back to the menu for pupils to choose another question.
- Pupils continue their turns until there is no flower left.
- The team that gets the most points is the winner. EXPLORATION
Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat.
8 minutes a. Goal:
To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two
communicative contexts (pictures) focusing on offering
someone food or drinks and accepting or declining someone’s

offer b. Input:
– Context a: Mother: Would you like some rice? Nam: Yes, please.
– Context b: Father: Would you like some juice? Nam: No, thanks. c.
Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in Outcome:
two communicative contexts (pictures) focused on offering
someone food or drinks and accepting or declining someone’s offer. d.
Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a and b and Whole
Procedure: identify the characters in the pictures. class
Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the
recording for them to listen. Play the recording Whole
again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen class
and repeat. Follow the same procedure with
Picture b. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Whole
Step 3: Play the recording again for pupils to class
listen and repeat in chorus sentence by sentence. / Individual
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the work
classroom to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording. Pair work
Step 5: : Draw their attention to the question
Would you like some rice? and the answer Yes, Individual
please. and Would you like some juice? and the work
answer No, thanks. Tell pupils that they are the
questions and the answers about offering someone
food or drinks and accepting or declining someone’s offer. KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION
Activity 2. Listen, point and say.
9 minutes a. Goal:
To correctly use Would you like some _____? – Yes, please. / No,
thanks. to offer someone food or drinks and accept or decline someone’s offer b. Input: – Picture cues:
a. a plate of beans b. a plate of fish
c. a plate of meat d. a bottle of juice
– Speech bubbles: Would you like some _____? – Yes, please. / No, thanks. Audio script:
beans / yes b. fish / no c. meat / yes d. juice / no A: Would you like some beans? B: Yes, please. A: Would you like some fish? B: No, thanks.

Pupils can correctly say the words and use Would you like Outcome:
some _____? – Yes, please. / No, thanks. to offer someone food
or drinks and accept or decline someone’s offer. d.
Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit Whole
Procedure: the names of the food and drink. Have the class class/ repeat the words a few times. Individual
Step 2: Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to work
the recording and repeat the words (beans/ yes). Whole
Follow the same procedure with the other three class/
pictures. Have the class repeat the words a few Individual times. work
Step 3: Point at Picture a and have pupils listen
and repeat after the recording (Would you like
some beans? – Yes, please.). Point at Picture c and Whole have pupils listen and repeat class/
after the recording (Would you like some meat? – Individual No, thanks.). work
Step 4: Have pairs practise asking and answering
questions Would you like some ______? Yes, Pair work
please./ No, thanks. with Pictures b and d.
Step 5: Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures
and say the questions and answers in front of the class. Pair work Game: Slap the board.
- Divide the class into four teams. Group
- Stick the pictures of activities on the board. work
- Teacher says a sentence, a pupil from each
team has to point/slap the right picture and says the sentence again. PRACTICE
Activity 3. Let’s talk.
8 minutes a. Goal:
To enhance the correct use of Would you like some _____? –
Yes, please. / No, thanks. to offer someone food or drinks and
accept or decline someone’s offer in a freer context b. Input:
– Picture cue: A family at the dining table: father, mother, their
son and daughter are having lunch. There is some food and
drinks on the table such as rice, fish, beans and juice.
– Speech bubbles: Would you like some _____? – Yes, / No, some _____. c.
Pupils can enhance the correct use of Would you like some Outcome:
_____? – Yes, please. / No, thanks. to offer someone food or
drinks and accept or decline someone’s offer in a freer context. d.
Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the picture. Ask Whole
Procedure: questions to help them identify the context (see class/

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