Đề thi giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 9 Global success (Đề 3 kèm file nghe)

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Lớp: Lớp 9
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Dạng: Đề thi
Loại: Tài liệu lẻ


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Mô tả nội dung:

PHÒNG GD – ĐT …………
NĂM HỌC: 2024 – 2025 MÔN: Tiếng Anh 9 Thời gian: 60 minutes I. LISTENING
Listen and complete questions 1 – 5. You will hear the information twice.
MRS' WRIGHT RABBIT Bought at: Pet shop 1. Age: . . . . . . . . . . weeks 2. Favorite food:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Sleep: in a. . . . . . . . . . . 4. Colour:
. . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . 5. Name:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. READING
TASK 1. Read the text and choose the correct answer.
More than 80% of American high school students work at part-time jobs in the evenings, on
weekends or in summer. These part-time jobs bring teenagers great advantages.
One of the benefits of the work is the students can learn the skills that will be useful for the rest
of their lives. When they work, they have to manage both the job and schoolwork. To be able to
do so, they must be very organized and able to keep a sensible schedule. They also learn to
cope with the job stress apart from the stress of the schoolwork. Some of the most stressful jobs
include teaching, nursing, and police work. These skills help prepare teenagers for their later
careers. High school students who work are more likely to succeed as adults than people who
enter the job market at a later age with no work experience.
Teenagers want a lot of expensive things: clothes, mp3 players, trips with their friends, etc. Not
all parents can afford them. And even if they can, the teens might not really appreciate that
money because they did not earn it. When teenagers make money for themselves, they know its
true and are less likely to spend it foolishly.
1. Which of the following is a good title for the passage? A. Why teenagers should work
B. Advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobs C. Part-time jobs cause stress
D. Disadvantages of part-time jobs.
2. According to the passage, what is NOT an effect of part-time jobs? A. Teenagers become organized. B. Teenagers become stressed.
C. Teenagers are more likely to have successful careers.
D. Teenagers want a lot of expensive things
3. The word “cope with” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______. A. fight against B. deal with C. suffer from D. concern
4. According to the passage, when teenagers have jobs, they are more likely to _______. A. spend foolishly B. want expensive things C. appreciate money D. spend less
5. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Only some US students do part-time jobs.
B. US students suffer part-time job stress
C. Part-time jobs are somehow good for teenagers
D. The part-time jobs don’t bring teenagers great advantages.
TASK 2. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
City planners have claimed trees (1)…… an important role in an urban environment. Children
(2)……. close to nature have better health, while walking in parks helps reduce blood pressure,
stress and obesity. The problem is to select the right trees and (3)…… them.
Ha Noi is considered one of the greenest cities in Viet Nam thanks to its beautiful and precious
trees. Ancient trees in Ha Noi are frequently (4)……. in poems. Each street can be (5)………
by a tree. To local residents, the hundred-year old trees that line the streets are more than just
beautiful, they are part of the city's identity. 1. A. act B. play C. enjoy D. perform 2. A. grow up B. grown up C. growing up D. being grown up 3. A. maintain B. service C. provide D. care 4. A. referred B. indicated C. spoken D. mentioned 5. A. described B. presented C. expressed D. explained III. WRITING
TASK 1. Rewrite the second sentences in other way so that the meanings stay the same as the first.
1. “How can I make this kind of cake?” She wondered. (how to)
→ She wondered how ________________________________.
2. My uncle spent his childhood in the countryside. (grew up)
→ My uncle ________________________________.
3. You shouldn’t leave the lights on when you leave the classroom. (off)
→ You should ________________________________.
TASK 2. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the original sentence.
1. It's difficult to get around the city at rush hours due to congested roads.
A. Moving to the city at rush hours is not a good idea.
B. It's not easy at rush hours because the downtown is congested.
C. Traffic congestion makes it difficult to travel in the city at rush hours.
D. Don't get around the city because all roads are congested.
2. The city council will cut down on electricity used for public lighting.
A. According to the city council, there will soon be no public lighting in the city.
B. The city council intends to reduce energy used to light public places.
C. The city council will cut down on investment in public amenities.
D. Public lights use up much electricity so the city council will remove them.
3. They should reduce the amount of fatty foods in their daily meals.
A. They should cut down on the amount of fatty foods in their daily meals.
B. They should eat more fatty foods in their daily meals.
C. They shouldn't cook fatty foods every day.
D. The more fatty foods they eat, the healthier they become.
4. Jack caught a cold after walking home in the rain.
A. Jack felt cold because he had to walk home in the rain.
B. The rain was cold, so Jack tried to walk home as quickly as possible.
C. The heavier the rain, the more quickly Jack walked to his home.
D. Jack came down with a cold because he walked home in rainy weather.
5. Tom conducted research to find out how much food his friends were throwing away.
A. Tom's research was about wasting food at his friends’ home.
B. Tom did research on how to throw away food without harming the environment.
C. Tom's friends carried out research because he was throwing away too much food.
D. Tom carried out a study on his friends' food wasting habit. IV. LANGUAGE FOCUS
TASK 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. conduct B. difficult C. stuck D. fun 2. A. feature B. culture C. suggestion D. statue
TASK 2. Choose the correct answer to complete these sentences.
1. He feels ________ after the exam because he did the test very well. A. stressful B. delighted C. nervous D. bored
2. ________, I’d buy an English – Vietnamese dictionary. A. If I have money B. If I had your shoes C. If I were in your shoes D. If I have your shoes
3. City life not only offers young people with lots of opportunities, but it has lots of ________as well. A. variety B. advantages C. drawbacks D.benifits
4. What is the point of trying to stay here when you don’t have a job? You have been ______ for two years! A. uncomfortable B. unemployed C. unhappy D. happy
5. Many teens try to work hard to meet parents’ ______.

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