Đề thi giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 12 Friends global (Đề 5 có file nghe)

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Đề thi giữa kỳ 1 Friends Global 12 Đề 5
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from that
of the other three in pronunciation.
Question 1: A. flatters B. judges C. prizes D. teases Question 2: A. male B. same C. combat D. make
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of stress.
Question 3: A. inherit B. toddler C. compliment D. wary
Question 4: A. aggression B. replacement C. criminal D. statistics
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answers.
Question 5: We were late, but we were lucky ________ the plane. A. not miss B. not to miss C. not missing D. to not miss
Question 6: ________________ will they make up their mind.
A. Only when they know the facts
C. When they know the facts only
B. Only when do they know the facts
D. When they will know the facts
Question 7: Nobody ever bothers to report being pickpocketed. They think the police are
too busy to deal with such ________ crimes. A. junior B. little C. petty D. small
Question 8: After five successive failures, she is now ________, not wanting to put in any more effort. A. green with envy C. over the moon B. in two minds D. down in the dumps
Question 9: Calling American workers lazy was a mean-spirited ________. A. let-down B. bring-down C. put-down D. turn-down
Read the following advertisements and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
option that best fits each of the blanks.

Give your skin Ivory care, Doctors advise!
� OILY SKIN? Take the offensive!
You can recapture that cool, lovely look for your complexion. But your skin needs special
care, persistent care. Skin specialists approve this cleansing method:
1. Cleanse (10) _____. Work Ivory’s thick, lovely lather well into your face and neck, using
a rough washcloth and lukewarm water. ��
2. Rinse well. Warm water, then cold. Repeat your Ivory lathering. Go after those (11)
_____ areas: your hairline, forehead, nose, chin. Then another rinse. ❄️
3. Do this cleansing as often as three times daily. See how delightfully smooth and fresh
Ivory’s mildness leaves your skin. Compare (12) _____ low price of Guest Size Ivory with
that of your present beauty soap. ��
Ivory Soap – Procter & Gamble Co.
Question 10: A. thorough B. thoroughgoing C. thoroughly D. thoroughness Question 11: A. oiler B. oilier C. oilyer D. more oily Question 12: A. a B. an C. the D.  (no article)
Of all Christmas gifts this is ~ The KING Radio
� Joy, laughter, and a spirit of giving characterize these happy days before Christmas.
Here is the very opportunity that you (13) _____ for to prolong this happy Christmas spirit
for the entire year. You can think and look for days and not find as educational, entertaining
and worth-while a gift for the whole family as a beautiful King Radio. �
✨ Here’s a selection of radios to (14) _____ every individual need and wish. The volume,
selectivity, and tone in all King Radios are marvelous achievements that can be realized
only by hearing and seeing them. �
� Come in today before the rush. We have a complete stock ready to (15) _____ to you. �
Question 13: A. have looked B. have been looking C. look D. are looking Question 14: A. match B. feel C. fill D. fit
Question 15: A. have demonstrated C. demonstrate B. be demonstrated D. demonstrating
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make
a meaningful paragraph in each of the following questions.
Question 16:
a. During the days leading up to her big SAT exam, Emily was really on edge.
b. Her future felt like it was at stake, and she didn’t want to lose face in front of her teachers
and classmates by doing poorly.
c. Every little noise in her house seemed louder than usual, and she would sometimes tear
her hair out trying to remember all the facts she had studied.
d. Remembering her hard work, Emily took deep breaths and managed to finish the exam feeling confident.
e. The next day, Emily tried to keep her feelings under control. She knew that panicking would not help.
f. The night before the exam, Emily was undecided about staying up late to study more or
getting some sleep to be well-rested. A. a-b-c-e-f-d C. a-c-f-b-e-d B. a-c-e-b-f-d D. a-f-e-b-d-c Question 17:
a. Being too confrontational can harm relationships with friends and make work relationships difficult.
b. Some people naturally like to cause a stir in different situations, making them more confrontational.
c. However, when used right, this boldness can help bring important issues into the open.
d. These individuals might quickly get angry over small issues, where others might stay calm.
e. Still, for better teamwork and communication, it’s important for these people to learn to
pause and think before reacting.
f. This tendency can lead to big arguments or make small disagreements worse. A. a-d-b-f-e-c C. a-f-d-b-c-e B. b-d-f-a-e-c D. b-f-d-a-c-e
Mark the letter A, B, or D to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the blanks.
Adult friendships often stay strong with small interactions called ‘friendship snacks’. These
are short messages or shared things like memes that help keep the connection alive (18)
__________. These small actions don’t replace deep bonding, (19) __________ until friends
can meet or talk more substantially. Natalie Pennington, who is an expert in communication,
says that these short messages can be (20) __________. While some people spend many
hours together to solidify a friendship, (21) __________ to deepen bonds. Phone calls or
voice memos can enhance this effect, as hearing a friend’s voice can evoke humour and
shared memories. Additionally, some people emphasise the joy in making a friend laugh.
Routine check-ins, whether through texts, emails, or calls, are part of what psychologists
call ‘mundane maintenance’, (22) __________ long-term relationships. Small gestures
signal care and (23) __________, with each friendship having its unique rhythm of
interaction. In today’s world, where direct contact is less frequent, these ‘friendship snacks’
are vital for sustaining relationships. Question 18: A. even as people busy working
C. even though people busy working B. even if people work busily D. even when people are busy Question 19:
A. but they help keep the friendship going
B. having said that they help to keep the friendship go
C. however they help to keep the friendship going
D. yet they help keeping the friendship to go Question 20:
A. as healthy and beneficial as fruits and vegetables
B. as healthy and as beneficial as fruits and vegetables
C. as healthy and beneficial as fruits and vegetables are
D. as healthy and as beneficial as fruits and vegetables be Question 21: A. another exchanges quickly C. other gives quick exchanges B. the others exchange quickly D. others give quick exchanges Question 22: A. for which is essential C. this is essential to B. which is essential for D. what is essential to Question 23:
A. might boost the connection feeling
B. must have boosted the connection feeling
C. can boost the feeling of connection
D. can have boosted the feeling of connection

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